  1. _
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Girls, I a cystitis promuchalas 3 years. Exacerbations were every month. It was not the life, and a nightmare. At bak.poseve found an intestinal rod (E.Coli). Other pathology was not. After reception of antibiotics for some time there came simplification, then - on new. The matter is that E.Coli is practically at everyone, but in small quantities or amounts. As soon as immunity hands over - E.Coli comes. Therefore to be treated it is necessary in two directions:

    1. The nephrologist or the urologist. But personally I (after numerous searches of the doctor) have stopped on the gynecologist. At an exacerbation we at once handed over analyses on an infection and on antibiotics which help or assist to struggle with her. T.o. We were not treated blindfold, and secondly at times helped or assisted slabenkie antibiotics (furadonin). The doctor (first-class thing) washed out me a vagina a soda solution or mitilenovoj sinju. During exacerbations we still did or made SKENAR. Very well removes or takes out a pain. I though could reach the house. Still I was well helped or assisted by an essential oil. I at heart the sceptic. And when the gynecologist has told or said, that it will help or assist me - I have not believed. But has solved, that already so much all has tried, that it is possible to check up. I have bought or purchased firms the Iris the collecting urological. Girls, he HELPS or ASSISTS. Spastic strictures left.

    2. The immunologist. The doctor should appoint or nominate to you treatment.

    Here like and all. Be not engaged in a selftreatment, drink more liquids, go on small each 3 hours, hold legs or foots in heat. At me already almost 2 years were not exacerbations. Believe, that this illness can be won. SUCCESS!!!

  2. Mashulka:)
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    [QUOTE =

    Lena, simply Lena

    Ogo! Also has what is the time borrowed or occupied this cycle three-stage?

    Whether have disappeared at you at the same time and a thrush?

    Yes approximately since one and a half month, the thrush has not passed or has not taken place... Here still incurable muck!

  3. Girlie
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    My God, girls, esteemed you...

    I still have easily got off. At me for the first time the cystitis was the last November... Week I suffered.

    Saw Furadonin, a heap of any teas and is a lot of water...

    Like more he did not come back... I hope, will not return...

    And after sex and the truth it is necessary to go to a toilet, that I and do or make now

  4. The visitor
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    I year was excruciated from : a grass a saw, and tablets, but the result was not. Then in one magazine has read through national : melons to crush (it is possible through a meat grinder) .6 table spoons izmelchyonnyh seeds to make 500 boiled water. To allow to be insisted somewhere a floor of hour and to drink 3 times a day 20 minutes prior to meal. To drink it is necessary before full treatment. It is possible to drink, for example, 2 weeks, then some days a break to make. To me has helped or assisted. I hope, it will be useful for somebody.

  5. The visitor
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Whether and the cystitis can influence a delay monthly?

    The last summer there was such chicken-feed, now here again: 4 days prior to monthly has blown, as a result a cystitis easy or light;mild and monthly are late for a week almost...

  6. Forbidden fruit
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    And somebody did or made cystoscopy? It is sick? And more: whether mozhnt he to be passed sexual by?

  7. The visitor
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Girls, it is a shame from ignorance, but to ask it is necessary!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tell or Say please how prvilno it is done or made sprintsivanie in house conditions? To me the doctor has advised to do or make eto with soda in current of several days as have begun allocation.

    I still slyshalja, that as it is possible to use soda together with sea salt, or simply camomile.

    Who knows even any ways?

  8. The visitor
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Ja v4era nashla v nete sledujushij sajt: www.uronet.ru

    Tam est ' razdel: urologija, v njom mnogo 4ego poleznogo napisano. Da i vra4 vrode normal'nij.

    Dev4onki, ne polinites'-zagljanite, a vdrug eto vashe spasenie!!!

    Tam i nomera telefonov est ' dlja konsul'tacii i adres, gde le4ebnij centr nahoditsja.

    Zelaju vam bol'shogo zdorov'ja, a tem bolee beremennim.!!!!!!!!!

  9. aaankaa
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    I hope to you the doctor a dosage of soda and water has told or said, I when that did or made 1 item l soda on litre of water. You take boiled water slightly podogretuju, fields which case not garjachuju, you plant in her soda, you type or collect this solution in a pear (such klizmochka -is on sale in any drugstore) and you enter to destination

  10. LI
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Here now I sit also to crying - with a blood in a toilet each five minutes I run. And all head has broken - well where in such heat I could catch a cold? Can under the conditioner? And tomorrow examination and learn or teach I can nothing, I shall ruin nafik. Well it was necessary to this infection to begin today directly! Everything, has run in a drugstore.

  11. Mashulka:)
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    [QUOTE =


    Here now I sit also to crying - with a blood in a toilet each five minutes I run. And all head has broken - well where in such heat I could catch a cold? Can under the conditioner? And tomorrow examination and learn or teach I can nothing, I shall ruin nafik. Well it was necessary to this infection to begin today directly! Everything, has run in a drugstore.

    And it so often happens, as in a heat he is shown. I after the gone through long cystitis now am afraid to bathe in the sea, a reservoir - already me there will not drag. I and earlier did not like to lap in cold water, and shchas and for a long time. From the conditioner, apparently, too can quite be...

  12. The visitor
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    Be not engaged in a selftreatment go to the doctor, differently all pererastet to the chronic form

  13. The visitor
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    I today only from the urologist, did or made cystoscopy, I shall tell or say directly pleasant a little, but is tolerant, now pravdo to a toilet to go painfully, but it is normal. Have revealed the chronic form of a cystitis now without input of a medicine in a bladder to not manage. Do not lead up up to such Treat once and for all a good medicine, and I too treated that national agents, only have aggravated a situation

  14. Anchous
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    [QUOTE =


    And whether the cystitis can influence a delay monthly?

    The last summer there was such chicken-feed, now here again: 4 days prior to monthly has blown, as a result a cystitis easy or light;mild and monthly are late for a week almost...

    The visitor, still as can. At me and was: for two months the cycle has increased for 4 days, there were 34 days. Then when has passed or has taken place a cystitis, the cycle of 26 days began to decrease for 4 days for a month this month.

  15. 1
    Читатель Недуг.Ру
    [QUOTE =


    Already to mine there was a subject somewhere a cystitis, but cannot find, therefore excuse, that I begin new. At someone was such, that the cystitis passed in the chronic form. Already simply forces are not present. After treatment with antibiotics he izchezaet a maximum for 1-2 months. Then again too most, but how much already mozhna to drink antibiotics. On an infection it was checked, it's OK. One year ago has cured ureoplazmu, posde it or this handed over 3 times control -was negatively. I plan pregnancy in 3 months, I wish to prepare somehow an organism, but with this cystitis simply travki not pomagajut, to have to be rescueed or saved;salvaged by warm douche or a heater and that suffices not for a long time. Voosnovnom starts to hurt or be ill;be sick at daybreak hours per 6 mornings, I come on job zamuchannaja. The woman the doctor or girls at whom was similar advise pliiiz salvage from this muck.

    I was longly excruciated by such "nonsense" as no tablets and heatings while kind people have not advised helped or assist earlier. Has recovered from an once. I describe:

    It is necessary to be reserved by tincture chagi (is on sale in a drugstore), an iron bucket, kirpichem, juice of an aloe (to squeeze out fresh before procedure). I did or made it on a summer residence, more conveniently somehow. A brick to heat up to an erythema, to put in a bucket, to sit down on it or him from above and on some drops to drip tincture on a hot brick. Hot enough steam rise, but to suffer or bear it is possible. So to sit minutes 15. Then in position " a basin upwards " to fill in in a vagina juice of an aloe. In such position even minutes 15. All. Then warm or warmly to be wrapped up. And it is more about such misfortune to recollect never...

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