Просмотр полной версии : Handed over analyses on hormones in laboratory Invitro.. Results have shown me...

16.06.2004, 05:13
Handed over analyses on hormones in laboratory Invitro.. Results have seemed to me doubtful. I wish to hand over analyses in other laboratory, but in all centers on a question who spends the analysis, responded, that they only take away a blood, and the analysis does or makes Invitro. WHAT can you tell or say about the given laboratory? Whether you know other laboratories where I could hand over similar analyses?

17.06.2004, 19:09
Thanks.. And as to you institute it or him. Gabrichevskogo or Sklif? And for what day it is better to hand over LG, FSG, Prolactinum, Oestradiolum.. And that all different terms.. Who speaks 3 5 day, who 6 7 day of a cycle?

19.06.2004, 10:32
And more.. In the place offered by you very high prices? Unfortunately I cannot pay much