Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. At me about three years ago during stay abroad outside of...

05.07.2004, 09:48
The dear doctor. At me about three years ago during stay the strong itch around of an anus, simply intolerable abroad has suddenly begun. So proceeded weeks 2, and has then passed or has then taken place, but have appeared shishechki on that place, tiny, but dovlno it is a lot of them. When I have returned to Russia has gone to the gynecologist and she, having seen these or it shishechki, have told or said, that at me whether kandillomy, whether papillomas and that need to be deleted them. I and have not gone to the proctologist, all I hope, that shishechki can will pass or take place. They not prchinjajut to me of absolutely any trouble and they like do not become more. Prompt, whether necessarily them to delete, whether it is possible to cure them kak-that and than threatens, if them to leave as is. To me 23 years, did not give birth or travail, a sexual life I live. Thanks in advance for the answer.

Peresada I.V.
06.07.2004, 12:00
It is obligatory to delete! Is (though also small 1 1, 5 %) risk of transition of condylomas in a cancer, therefore necessarily address to the proctologist. Besides you can harm to the sex partner. If a condyloma do not send or have passed to actually proctal or anal channel it is possible to try to get rid of them conservative by.