Просмотр полной версии : At me an incontience wet from strong tussis (a bronchial asthma). Though I the doctor...

31.07.2004, 02:53
At me an incontience wet from strong tussis (a bronchial asthma). Though I have warned the doctor, she to me has registered a neostigmine methylsulfate which is counter-indicative at a bronchial asthma. What will you advise?

Alexander of Item
01.08.2004, 15:20
Find a good homeopathist, at them curability from an asthma is close to 100 %. At us - while 100 %. pochitajtte 2 first clauses or articles on a page: www. prugalov. sp. ru

Rabaev G.G.
03.08.2004, 01:33
To define or determine indications to application of preparations of the given group under the presented report it is complex or difficult, but nevertheless, discuss with treating vrachem an opportunity of application of selective preparations, that is what affect concrete organs, for example Detruzitol - acting bladder and sialadens and practically not rendering influences on bronchuses.

03.08.2004, 16:16
Mister Prugalov you constantly litter conference by all illnesses or diseases with the foolish statements, simply terrorism any. And where managers of a site look?