Просмотр полной версии : At detection of papillomas 16, 18 it is obligatory konsultiatsija the Oncologist? Or they...

31.07.2004, 11:46
At detection of papillomas 16, 18 it is obligatory konsultiatsija the Oncologist? Or they it is conditional onkogenny

01.08.2004, 23:57
If you the man, consult that at clinical displays (condylomas, papillomas) in time them clean or remove, sexual partnershu see below
If the woman that on a regular basis do or make onkotsitologiju and kolposkopiju at the gynecologist.
If st still any information not entered into your report address to the oncologist.

Koblikov I.A.
03.08.2004, 13:17
The amendment on a floor and age is necessary.