Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Two months as there is such problem: periodically (not ch...

14.06.2004, 21:15
Hello! Two months as there is such problem: periodically (not more often an once in day, at various times, but more often in the morning) the first portion wet beleso-muddy. Then goes kristalno-transparent. No painful or other unpleasant sensations are present (any urethritis, but an emiction absolutely painlessly thought what is it!), the speeded up emiction and other visible disturbances also is not present. What is it can be? Whether it is necessary to worry? Itself will pass or take place, or precisely to treat it is necessary and if to treat - that from what to begin - with analyses of urine, from smear PTSR, or from what? Thanks for the help! Doubly thanks if will respond not tersely!

Koblikov I.A.
18.06.2004, 13:17
This portion of urine - a saline deposit