Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist advice or council:)) At my husband " natural hours " have absolutely got off: in the afternoon sp...

29.08.2004, 03:45
Help or Assist advice or council:)) At my husband " natural hours " have absolutely got off: sleeps in the afternoon, and is awake at night. Not that to him it stirred or prevented, but soon he should begin new job - at office and, certainly, in the afternoon. How to be reconstructed least morbidly? Kakie-any somnolents?

Rzheznikov M.V.
29.08.2004, 13:16
No, somnolent preparations here you will not help or assist. Try to shift "internal clocks" smoothly, on an hour per day. It is possible to give lungs calming or abirritating - Valeriana, Novo-Passitum.

Yours faithfully

30.08.2004, 06:37