Просмотр полной версии : 6 days temperature keep 37 38, nothing gets off also strong golovn...

24.08.2004, 03:58
6 days temperature keep 37 38, nothing gets off also strong headaches, for 6 day there were any not clear red points from an elbow up to a brachium (not external, and as though internal). .vchra came the divisional and has told or said, that any virus... To kidneys prostuchala, lungs has listened, has told or said to drink bisptol. The second day it or him I drink - does not help or assist. I eat nothing, only I drink much. What with me? Thanks

Gusman M.A.
25.08.2004, 08:36
Probably virus, purpura SHejnlejn-Genoha is possible or probable. It is necessary to look or see at an eruption. Hand over a blood and urine.