Просмотр полной версии : Whether can priporat prozhestozhel at offensive or approach monthly remove or take off a pain in breasts...

22.08.2004, 03:44
Whether can priporat prozhestozhel at offensive or approach monthly remove or take off a pain in breasts? Thanks Yours faithfully

22.08.2004, 16:36
Hello Marina. Yes will help or assist.
Indications for application prozhestozhelja:
The mastopathy connected with a failure of Progesteronum.
M, connected with:
- Reception of oral contraceptives;
- Pregnancy
- pubertatnym the period;
- premenopauzoj;
- A premenstrual syndrome;
- A mastopathy
Yours faithfully.

22.08.2004, 21:56
The doctor has appointed or nominated to me mastodinon and prozhestozhel, but I heard, what at reception of hormonal preparations many get fat, whether will cause or call application prozhestozhelja potolstenie? Many thanks, Yours faithfully

23.08.2004, 02:23
The doctor has appointed or nominated to me mastodinon and prozhestozhel, but I heard, what at reception of hormonal preparations many get fat, whether will cause or call application prozhestozhelja potolstenie? Many thanks, Yours faithfully