Просмотр полной версии : What to do or make, if within several months it is observed daily koleban...

18.08.2004, 18:13
What to do or make, if within several months daily fluctuation of temperature is observed?
In the morning and in the evening before a dream the temperature normal, and in the afternoon every day raises or increases up to 37, 1 37, 3. The general or common status as a whole normal. At rise in temperature any special sensations I do not feel. Pressure thus in norm or rate. What will advise?
Thankful in advance.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
19.08.2004, 14:15
Natalia, it is possible or probable on rising of a day time body temperature character of your job or Orazum of your day time life influences.

20.08.2004, 21:25
At me too most it oapsno for a life or not. And what exactly in a way of life can so to influence?

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
21.08.2004, 11:36
Alexander, stressful situations, an overstrain or overvoltage at job, a stuffy premise or room, reception of the dense, sated or saturated faults or wines (type of the Cahors wine) can influence.