Просмотр полной версии : To me of 25 years. I am am disturbed with edemas under and above eyes. A liquid in an organism for...

10.08.2004, 15:11
To me of 25 years. I am am disturbed with edemas under and above eyes. The liquid in an organism is late. It is deduced or removed approximately time in 2, 5 it is less, than I drink for a day. Recently checked kidneys (isotope renografiju, a urography, US, an. Bloods, urine). Speak that by way of. The renal failure is not present. Iz-for what there can be a delay of a liquid and to what doctor to me to address? In advance thanks!

13.08.2004, 19:46
Edemas under eyes can testify to that that you normally have not a rest, and is allocated with urine less than drink because water also is allocated through a skin, lungs, GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT.

The anonym
15.08.2004, 10:04
Well and Dr!!! And a liver as? The Obvious hepatic pathology can give edemas, endocrine diseases especially. Diniil to which 25 years write " edemas under eye sights or eyes ". The girl, investigate or research still the genitals or genitalias!

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
19.08.2004, 01:56
Daniels, it is necessary for you to survey function of a thyroid gland.