Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me a problem VERY POPULAR. At me is not present vozmozhnoti dvi...

19.07.2004, 01:08
At me a problem VERY POPULAR.
At me is not present vozmozhnoti to move in current of day.
With 10 up to 21 I at job, sit at a computer. In the evening seldom there is an opportunity to go in for sports, t. To. Mass of family affairs.
probovola diets. All of them result or bring or to that begins avitominoz and other shortage of elements, or I am then broken. For example, I do not eat 2 weeks after 6 and I do not eat bread. Then as nibud I get on DR or a buffet table after 6, I gorge on and then 2 weeks cannot stop, I eat for the night and with bread... What to me to undertake? Help or assist please! (to change a job I can not yet, and the priest all grows and grows)

22.07.2004, 16:31
To eat correctly, the feeling of famine will not arise, weight in due course ridet in norm or rate, and to be engaged though in something active on days off.
About a delivery I can tell on e-a mail vergizova_vika@mail. ru

23.07.2004, 20:27
Katya to grow thin in a diet it is necessary to limit quantity or amount of carbohydrates and to add vegetables and fruit. For example, if you like bread eat not 5 pieces, and 2. Do not buy a white loaf, be switched on black or grey. In grey and black bread there are less than calories, than in white. Drink waters up to 1.5 litres a day, water fills a stomach. Also avoid pies, sweets, a batch. Them very much tredno to refuse, but in them it is a lot of calories so all will go to Adeps. Sweet too can eat, only it is moderate, not 10 sweets, but only one and not three greater or big pieces of a pie, and one small. And is it is possible fine and after 6 ti, three hours prior to a dream. That an avitaminosis did not arise, buy or purchase in a drugstore Polyvitaminums, I very much like TSentrum, they certainly, dorogovaty, but I on the health can portatitsja once a month on a jar of good vitamins. Katya, believe, if you will start to adhere to such diet and more if can kak-to move that, well though on job on foot to go, the lift to not use, you in a month sweep up or will notice result. I so have grown thin for half a year for 10 kg.

27.07.2004, 09:35
To exclude sweet, zhirnoe-it I think naturally. Is more fruit and vegetables, from fruit to exclude grapes, bananas and a mango, juice to drink it is desirable orange (on packing should be written, that he without Saccharum). In breaks between meal mineral I drive or carry with a lemon (not aerated), the lemon helps or assists to muffle feeling of famine (it if with acidity all vporjadke). The break between meal should be 4 hours it is possible more, not less:) if will be it is less, the nutrition has not time to be digested and is postponed in Adeps.

30.07.2004, 16:15
And I do not agree that it is necessary to reduce quantity or amount of carbohydrates (I have in view of trudnousvaivaemye carbohydrates) in a ration, to reduce quantity or amount of Adepses much more effectively.

01.08.2004, 18:25
" To reduce quantity or amount of Adepses much more effectively. " And fibers:) superfluous fibers turn to Adepses

vika to Mia
02.08.2004, 15:11
You well represent yourselves a structure of Adeps and a structure of fiber? Fiber into Adeps to transform extremely difficultly, even to our organism with all its or his biochemical zamorochkami:).

Mia to Vick
03.08.2004, 05:27
Structure of Adeps and fiber to myself I do not represent in general:) but about that that during a diet it is necessary to eat fiber as small as possible, to me has told or said very good doctor!

04.08.2004, 17:32
Ekaterina, it is necessary for you urgently to our doctors, they will explain you all and is very popular, they will look or see a level zashlakovki your organism and will advise what to do or make professionally what to drink and that is. Consultation can be and free-of-charge.

Galina Flore
07.08.2004, 03:44
Explain pozhelujsta, what such "slags" and why they so are liked by sellers of additives, and professional physicians from do not recognize?

vika for mia
10.08.2004, 13:30
And what groups of products will fill the lost muscular mass? Protein-free diets lead to that you lose not Adeps and muscles: (

Mia to Vick
12.08.2004, 18:33
Vy-that whence all this know? Clever books nachitalis? Personally I am inclined to believe doctors:)

15.08.2004, 19:16
Girls, I consider or count what to read books on a healthy delivery it is necessary and simply obligatory. At least, you will creatively approach or suit to the diet, instead of that that we subtracted or deducted any next Japanese diet, month nothing fur-trees, then could not stop year and have typed or collected it is even more, than have dumped or reset. Certainly it is possible to ask the doctor, but here at us, for example, the therapist himself with excess weight so despite of its or her advice or councils, I do not trust her. If she such formed why she will not result or bring herself in the form? It is better to talk to girls on shaping or fitness the center though too their advice or councils to accept it is necessary with criticism. Everyone will sustain there are 3 hours before employment or occupations and 5 after. I personally think, that when we grow thin, it is necessary to adhere to common sense simply.

Galina to Mia
18.08.2004, 18:40
Doctors usually make a helpless gesture (at least, in my case) as their out-of-date representations do not work. Business twice reached that "boiling points", then they had to apologize (in a cardiologic hospital at half-starved existence - caloric content no more than 550 kcal - for 3 weeks the weight has decreased on 500). Whether So to believe doctors - solve, I for myself have already solved this question, especially having looked or seen at some experts of known Moscow institute of this structure. And self-education still harmed to nobody.