Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, who can. The huge complex - zamykajus develops...

05.08.2004, 03:23
Prompt, please, who can. The huge complex develops - I become reserved. I wish to communicate with people, with men and eventually to marry. At me a greater or big problem - a fetor from a mouth. In current here already the order of 10 years. Read, that the reasons can be:
1. Diseases zheludochno-an intestinal tract.
2. Diseases of gums.
3. Problems of a nasopharynx.
With a teeth that's all right, I think if something and was - for 10 years would recover. With a stomach too all in norm or rate, and here an intestine sometimes "borohlit" - periodically there are constipations. Seriously it or not - I do not know (specially it was not checked).
And the most important, on what I suspect are problems with a nose. In district of same time, when I have found out "leprosy" (10 years ago) problems with a nose - constants of allocation have begun. Were checked up, the roentgen has shown darkening or dimout in district of a cheek. It was treated every possible UFO, heatings, drops.
Now vydeleny huge certainly, no. Simply during cold it is a little "soplivlju". But since then this "darkening or dimout" and has not passed or has not taken place (has not increased and has not decreased).
Prompt, at whom is, there was such problem what to do or make, how to be treated? And in general, to what vrachu-the expert can address with such problem?
Many thanks.

Egorov I.V.
08.08.2004, 01:22
Probably, it is necessary to address to homeopathists, to dig in or instill (to wash out) a nose a solution of colloid silver. Exclude a paradontosis, cysts about a teeth. Spend on drink a course of Trichopolum with amoksiklavom (8 days).