Просмотр полной версии : Hi! To my mum on August, 2nd, 2004 have performed operation on zhelchevyvodjashchi...

23.07.2004, 05:48
Hi! To my mum on August, 2nd, 2004 have performed operation on zhelchevyvodjashchie to a way. 2 years before there was an operation on excision of a cholic bubble. At an extract the bilirubin was 42, 2.09.2004 analyses - a bilirubin 112 are handed over. In what the reason also that to us to do or make. The attending physician and the operating doctor at present in holiday.

26.07.2004, 21:17
Good afternoon! to. Is not present dechashchih doctors, it is necessary to find others. Inspection is necessary: US zhelchevyvodjashchih ducts (whether there is no narrowing, obturations of ducts?), the biochemical analysis of a blood (due to what fraction the bilirubin is raised or increased?) richiny can be different, continuation of problems with zhelchevyvodjashchimi ducts is more probable, but can be and others, inspection therefore is necessary. Search for the doctor.

29.07.2004, 03:13
Big sposibo for the answer. I its or her hedgehog hospitalized. Inspection has begun.