Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my sister after sorts or labors the strong bleeding, koto has begun...

25.07.2004, 05:47
Hello! At my sister after sorts or labors the strong bleeding which could not stop longly has begun. Analyses have shown, that thrombocytes outside of norm or rate. Was on the verge of a life and mors. Has passed or has taken place year - analyses in norm or rate. Whether it is necessary to her to pass or take place in addition inspection in connection with that situation. It or her interests as well a question: whether it is possible to visit or attend a sauna, or it is not desirable. Many thanks for the answer.

Doronin V.A.
25.07.2004, 18:10
The dear Yana! Than the bleeding has been caused or called to respond difficultly. What is - thrombocytes outside of norm or rate not absolutely clearly. Concrete digits are necessary. If now that's all right, t. e. The quantity or amount of thrombocytes normal also is not present bleedings a sauna to visit or attend it is possible. For the decision of a question on additional inspection it is necessary to know previous kliniko-datas of laboratory.

26.07.2004, 15:31
Thanks big for the answer.