Просмотр полной версии : After ozhega backs (the girl of 17 years, the area ozhega 40 %, the second degree) zame...

Anatoly Evgenevich
09.07.2004, 02:38
After ozhega backs (the girl of 17 years, the area ozhega 40 %, the second degree) have noticeably started to drop out hair. I think it stress. Your advice or council. What it is necessary to accept for strengthening hair?
Email: tae2@yandex. ru, atitov@kamaz. org

11.07.2004, 15:14
Hello, Anatoly Evgenevich.
The girl can recommend vitamin complex Vitrum-Superstress for restoration of nervous system. For strengthening hair and stimulation of their body height it is possible to resort to national medicine, for example masks from peer parts repejnogo butters or oils and tinctures of siliculose pepper or to use Vichy line Derkos with Amineksilom / shampoo, ampoules for strengthening volos/.
Yours faithfully, Svetlana Viktorovna.

Anatoly Evgenevich
14.07.2004, 23:20
Hello Svetlana Viktorovna!
Thanks big for your attention.
We shall necessarily use the reference.
Success to you in this noble business.
Yours faithfully,
Anatoly Evgenevich.