Просмотр полной версии : Julia. 21 year. Prompt, what with me? All has begun 2, 5 years ago. Odnazh...

27.06.2004, 06:59
Julia. 21 year. Prompt, what with me?
All has begun 2, 5 years ago. Once in the market where we were together with mum, me it became bad. I felt, that vot-here I shall lose consciousness, from it or this it became very terrible. I have drunk some coffee, t. To. We with mum have thought, that at me pressure but after that I have felt delicacy and a nausea has gone down. It last gde-that minutes 40 60, has then passed or has then taken place, but there was a feeling of weakness.
Similar presyncopal statuses at me then appeared repeatedly on some times during a week. Sometimes called a doctor, which did or made a nyxis restful.
Then pavors, uneasiness in occasion of this "illness or disease" began to appear. In a consequence pavors began to appear for no apparent reason.
In a year has addressed to the psychotherapist in occasion of the raised or increased uneasiness and frequent attacks of pavor, iz-for which I could not leave independently on street and was afraid to go far from the house (from the machine or car) to come into populous shops. The doctor has registered Phenazepamum. I drank it or him approximately 1, 5 months. But he only calmed or abirritated me during attacks of pavor, but did not prevent them.
Then I have addressed to the neuropathologist which has diagnosed all over again: VSD, asteno-a disturbing or an alarming syndrome, and then after a roentgen of a skull - posttraumatic entsefelopat. With attributes of an intracranial hypertensia. (in 10 years I had a brain concussion).
After that I have addressed to angionevrologu. Did or made researches: electroencephalographic, a roentgen of a cervical department of a backbone with functional assays, UZDG. The diagnosis: a compression pozvonochnoj arteries (20 %).
3 months ago has addressed to the psychoneurologist. The diagnosis: Agarofobija with panic frustration on a background of residual organic disease of a brain.
2, 5 months accepted the tablets appointed or nominated to me tsipramil. Houses one (before has started to accept tsipramil at me it or this was not) As a result began to be afraid to be. After repeated reception at the same doctor, me have registered in addition to tsipramilu tablets Ataraxum. Ataraxum I drank only three days, t. To. Uneasiness has very strongly increased.
TSipramil gradually too I stop to accept.
Now I all also am am disturbed with attacks of delicacy: first to become hotly, then delicacy in all body, to become terribly that I shall not sustain it or this.
Sometimes I feel delicacy in legs or foots so, that I can not go.
When I remain one, I start to worry strongly, that to me it becomes bad. Itself cope with this pavor I can not. Excitement passes or takes place, if there comes the husband or after a bittern polovinku Phenazepamum.
Except for that disturbs frequent (especially in the mornings or after a small exercise stress) feeling of the weariness, unpleasant sensations in a head and breasts.
As before there is no one of the house (only with the husband), do not go by the lift, I do not go to populous shops.
It is interesting, that I in 15 years had a similar situation. Last then it is 3 months. I was at the cardiologist, he has told or said, that at me prolaps metralnogo the valve (I). A saw then Riboxinum with valerian drops. And gradually it has passed or has taken place.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
27.06.2004, 12:44
Julia, it is possible or probable at you a syndrome of a vegeto-vascular dystonia which initially incorrectly treated and the status agrofobii with panic attacks was added to it or this. Address on a site to psihiatru-to doctor Bobrovu. Phobias are successfully treated!

28.06.2004, 12:22
My son of 16 years is afraid to go one on city, in transport, is disturbing feels in any company. Everywhere with it or him I go. Is afraid of that someone will stick to it or him;them (once at it or him have taken away a player). What to do or make? In fact the man grows! I want that he has grown independent and not in which case not the coward. Can be accept tsipramil? To the psychologist to go refuses flatly. Thanks for the answer. Marina