Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To me 22 years. Here a year as me disturbs postojann...

25.06.2004, 10:07
Hello, the doctor! To me 22 years. Here a year as I am am disturbed with constant palpitation: pulse 85 95, I become restless, I can not sit on a place, I feel a shiver in all body. Pressure in norm or rate, often I check. Hormones and US shchitovidki in norm or rate. Last electrocardiogram: ritm-sinusovyj, frequency of reductions 69 ud., Interval P-Q = 0.13 (norm or rate up to 0.18) Interval QRS = 0.10 (norm or rate up to 0.09)
R (S) T a segment izoelektrichen, wave III - +, the others +,
Duration of systole QRST = 0.36
The conclusion: Prevalence potentsi... (I can not disassemble a word) a left ventricle.
Whether I do not know has value or meaning;importance, at me hormones DGA, and Testosteron-Depotum have been raised or increased, after a course deksametozona they have entered into norm or rate, and Prolactinum is raised or increased.
What with me? How to treat?
Thanks. Yours faithfully, Zynaida.

25.06.2004, 22:11
Electrocardiogram at you completely normal, including frequency of intimate or cardiac reductions (pulse). Most likely at you a vegeto-vascular dystonia. Be surveyed and treated at the cardiologist and the neurologist. And worry in occasion of pulse less. Have more a rest, try to relax.

26.06.2004, 20:24
Electrocardiogram at you completely normal, including frequency of intimate or cardiac reductions (pulse). Most likely at you a vegeto-vascular dystonia. Be surveyed and treated at the cardiologist and the neurologist. And worry in occasion of pulse less. Have more a rest, try to relax.