Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, a scleroderma - whether what is this the diagnosis and potdaetsja he to treatment....

19.06.2004, 12:18
The doctor, a scleroderma - whether what is this the diagnosis and potdaetsja he to treatment.

Shirokova E.B.
20.06.2004, 07:48
Jury! The scleroderma can have localized harakter-focal (an optimum variant of disease) and a systemic scleroderma (that is prognostically worse). Both that and other variant of disease give in to treatment. In the first case dermatologists, in vtorom-therapists or rheumatologists are engaged in treatment of patients.
The systemic scleroderma concerns to group kollagenozov-the diseases proceeding with a lesion of a so-called connecting tissue and and fine vessels (including located in a skin, various organs). At a scleroderma muscles, joints, easy or light;mild, kidneys, serdechno-vascular system, etc. Rannjajaja diagnostics and well-timed adequate treatment - the mortgage of the good forecast can be amazed a skin.

20.06.2004, 13:46