Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me of 25 years; I shall very loudly fasten teeth at night. 1. As m...

31.05.2004, 12:44
The dear doctor! To me of 25 years; I shall very loudly fasten teeth at night. 1. How to me to get rid of it or this? 2. What does it mean? Thanks

31.05.2004, 18:06
Rustam, bruksizm-it is a psychotherapeutic problem. There is a bruxism usually during a superficial dream, owing to periodic reductions of chewing and mimic muscles. Plays here a role and a malocclusion, inconvenient dental koronki, seals. The bruxism can be caused or called as well by frustration GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT and worms. To get rid of it or this it is possible special exercises and the thermal procedures directed on weakening of a tonus of masseters. To it or this you will be learned by the stomatologist. Find out the reason!