Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 25 years. At me rough, I even would tell or say the madman and...

27.05.2004, 07:28
Hello! To me of 25 years. At me rough, I even would tell or say the mad and chaotic schedule of job. Sometimes hours in 11 it is necessary to fall asleep urgently, instead of leaves. But next day during same time it is impossible to sleep in any way. I need any somnolent operating or working instantly which should not be applied on a regular basis. Has drunk, when it is necessary - and on lateral, it was chopped off. Advise something!

27.05.2004, 15:45
Sonja, you need to consult on experts, anything it is simple so does not occur or happen. I drank restful without purpose or appointment of the doctor and it seems have done to myself diabet.

28.05.2004, 03:10
In tom-continually, that at me is not present and there can not be internal clocks. Not simply problem with a dream, and a problem in job as I wrote already... Happens it is necessary to be chopped off urgently. To the doctor I shall consult necessarily (that for the expert?), but I wish to esteem in the beginning, that to me will advise..

28.05.2004, 17:18
Hello! We recommend to address for conference to the neurologist. Yours faithfully, Vadim Viktorovich.

30.05.2004, 13:51
Kind time of day, Sonja! Most likely chemical or grassy preparations are necessary to you not, and skill to fall asleep instantly and to sleep certain quantity or amount of hours, this skill - (instantly to relax and fall asleep in any place - in a train, in the plane, in machine or car) is reached or achieved by special trainings. I advise you to not poison or persecute the organism which is not guilty in any way that at you such job, and to find the expert who will learn you to necessary skills.