Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me constantly jump out colds on a labium. And it is provisional...

03.05.2004, 22:49
Hello! At me constantly jump out colds on a labium. And approximately in the same place, besides she is difficultly and longly treated. I start to smear (zoviraks, atsiklovir) at once as soon as I notice, but it badly operates or works, the labium can be inflated very strongly. About two years ago I had a cold: very quickly increasing or being enlarged, she grew, probably, week, in the extremity or end all lower lip became time in 4 more, I even to move with her or it could not any more, and even is. Then to me have written out atsiklovir. Cold after that has passed or has taken place in 10 days. After that case cold pursues me. What would it mean and what to me to do or make?

Dock. Arsenich
04.05.2004, 09:25
Address in protivogerpetichesky the center. He gde-that in district street Mjasnitskoj is closer to Lubjanke.