Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon the doctor. To me of 26 years. At me a problem. In right to a side, almost above...

02.05.2004, 16:32
Good afternoon the doctor. To me of 26 years.
At me a problem. In right to a side, almost above pelvic bones I feel a pain of pulling character. I so think what is it an intestine. First time has felt unpleasant sensations in this place couple of years back. Then has gone to the surgeon - have sent on uzi. Uzi organs of an abdominal cavity has shown norm or rate. The intestine did not survey. At the same time there were problems with heart - a tachycardia at an insignificant load, delicacy, small boli-have diagnosed VSD. Till now I suffer a tachycardia which arises at a small load. And here still again this pain in a side. To the doctor in this occasion did not address. At a palpation of area at pressing I feel pains, sometimes sharp. Lymphonoduses in the right inguen also are above increased, are sometimes morbid. Now weak nojushchaja the pain does not pass or take place in current of week. A chair of an average consistence, regular. A small meteorism. Two last nights I do not sleep almost, during a dream there was a status of fever, the forehead sweats, measured temperature nochju-35.7 - 36.3. In the afternoon normal 36.5 36. 7. What at me can be? Whether the reference or manipulation to the doctor is necessary? What it is possible most to make for elimination simtomov? What inspection should be passed or taken place in my case? Whether dropping temperature is connected with a pain in the field of an intestine?
I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply.

Shirokova E.B.
03.05.2004, 06:46
Alexey! Certainly, it is necessary for you to address to the therapist or the gastroenterologist (to the expert on diseases of organs of digestion) internally. It is necessary to analyse all earlier the made researches (both in occasion of heart and in occasion of organs of an abdominal cavity) and to examine you. Probably you suffer an irritable colon (the assumption!). You have probed obscurely what lymph nodes above inguinal area? Vse-taki survey of the doctor is necessary.
As to depression of temperature in night vremja-it is normal. For decrease of unpleasant signs from a stomach or belly before visiting the doctor it is possible to accept no-shpu, meteospazmil, the activated coal.

03.05.2004, 22:07
Elena Borisovna, thanks for the answer. But on doctors (in occasion of tahikkardii and VSD) I already run more than 2 h years. But reception of all these tablets (atenosan, anaprilin) only temporarily reduces a rhythm. And at me a tachycardia only in an active status (I cost or stand, I go). And when I lay all normally. It was treated in day time kardiostatsionare. There have diagnosed postmiokardichesky a cardiosclerosis. .i something or something else (at itself now there is no history unfortunately). Though I was in addition surveyed at other doctors (UZi hearts, analyses of a blood, the cardiogram) and there have told or said that with heart that's all right... I do not know as do or make. All has begun with stress at job 2.5 years ago. Then there were small problems with disks of a backbone. Though now it does not disturb. At the endocrinologist then it was surveyed - in shchitovidke a small nodule, hormones were in norm or rate. What can cause for serdtsebieny?
To what doctor to me still to go? (my therapist again has directed me in kardiodispanser). Whether it is connected with an intestine? Or repeatedly to address to the endocrinologist?
With uv. Alexey