Просмотр полной версии : Hello, to me of 18 years, I only begin a sexual life and more at me a little...

04.07.2004, 10:00
Hello, to me of 18 years, I only begin a sexual life and more at me not enough experience while.
Whether you if I am engaged with the girl in oral sex (I will prompt caress its or her organs tongue), whether I can something catch?
I understand that a question children's, but I do not know more at whom to ask, please otvette.

05.07.2004, 18:31
You can.

Violetta Petrovna.
06.07.2004, 08:53
Still as, you can. Though, if the girl, with the same absence ekspiriensa, as well as at you... .tebe will carry.

06.07.2004, 23:19
You can, the probability if on a labium treshchinka is especially great...

The anonym
08.07.2004, 08:13
Yes do not frighten the guy. The girl most likely is pure or clean, as well as you.

09.07.2004, 12:18
And if it is the prostitute? Tell or say than and how to be defined or determined, please!!!

09.07.2004, 18:59
Andrey, and to prostitutke-that what for there to fall? On mine this employment or occupation you with telo-torgovkami so, though, to everyone roll only with the beloved, in vain the ... To catch here it is more than chances - descend or go to the urologist is better check up, t. To. There are many illnesses or diseases with a long incubation interval or delitescence (while signs of illness or disease obviously are not expressed), but serious consequences.

The anonym
10.07.2004, 16:27
And what muchaet-that? Can anything and is not present. By the way, the highly paid prostitute, fortunately, is almost always pure or clean, t. To. It or her zdorove-it is its or her bread.

11.07.2004, 12:41
23 47 58, it in Golandii, t. To. There it legalizovanno and at prostitutes is honey. Books (or the information or inquiry - I do not know what exactly at them), bread of the prostitute in Russia is not its or her health. Clients hardly all over again will lead it or her to the doctor...