Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Again... I. At devchyonke mine a delay of 5 days... 1 test sde...

25.06.2004, 01:35
Hello! Again... I. At devchyonke mine a delay of 5 days... 1 test has made up to a delay for 1 day. .on nothing has shown (t. e. Not beremena), today sdela other 3 tests - have shown all of one stria... Marriage or spoilage can? Its or her doctor has told or said, that obort at it or her in any case is not possible or probable - a rhesus at it or her negative.., has told or said children then for certain will not be.. Though I still hope, that all will be vporjadke... Tell or say please the test can be mistaken in both parties or sides? t. e. Can show, what beremena, and actually is not present, and on the contrary? Also what can mean, what any stria has not appeared?

26.06.2004, 00:34
Well approximately. .schitaju... Though she govrit, what is it still can at all a delay. .no today krajnj term. .pozzhe 25 they at it or her never began... And has begun nothing them foretells..

The anonym
27.06.2004, 06:35
RUM!!! I speak last time... Go WITH the PREGNANCY To the PSYCHIATRIST!!! On how much I the patient person, but you SIMPLY HAVE got me!!!!!!
YOU WHEN WILL be protected??? naskeolko I remember with condoms you cannot, start up she then goes to the doctor and to her register contraceptive tablets!!! ON ANOTHER IN ANY WAY!!! And let at the same time finds out the reasons of delays, she should be treated!!! Otherwise it is necessary to be treated to you, only ON the HEAD!!! All testy-is nonsense, they often bring! If you such abnormal then be spent for dear or expensive test (from 100.) he the most exact and are quickly and precisely shown a stria! CAN WHEN HE WILL show, THAT PREGNANCY is not present, YOU AT LAST WILL calm down!!! SUCCESS TO RECOVER to her At the GYNECOLOGIST, And YOU At the PSYCHIATRIST (excuse, but already really it is time!)

28.06.2004, 00:06
Rum, be not engaged in nonsense. Like to go for a drive? Like and sanochki to carry! e., if you devushka-the woman is pregnant, give birth or travail! It is so much consequences of abortion.... And if you cannot be responsible for the acts it is very a pity to me your woman, with others you the same as act or arrive. About a rhesus - now there are the preparations which are removing or are taking out rezus-the conflict, only it is necessary to be observed at the doctor. With negative group of a blood it is possible to give birth or travail how much you want. Happens, that the child has group of a blood the same negative then also the conflict will not be. I gave birth or travailled with a negative rhesus twice. Also believe, that it is more terrible than a consequence of abortion by way of inflammations and hormonal disturbances as the woman has a disturbance of a cycle, but also it is reperable. The child not and. You, beginning or starting should believe attitudes or relations of such plan, that sooner or later it should happen. Success!

28.06.2004, 07:38
Anonimke! If you irritates Rum so ochego to not descend or go most to psihiatoru? To You there the way for a long time is reserved, all in any way will not find calm, the poor creature!

28.06.2004, 14:55
Vikul, cool down! This of Rum writes here every day, within a month probably, and all about one what to do or make if at the girl a delay and the test negative? Well and how you think, normal it is the person? I all time respond what to do or make, and he again for the ! Here I also advise to descend or go to the psychologist, can to him polegchaet, I am kind to the person I wish... And in general to me certainly to spit on it or him and on your comments!.. .schastlivo!