Просмотр полной версии : Somatofornoe rastrojstvo

25.06.2005, 18:18
Good afternoon. One year ago at me was PA after that there was a hypertonic crisis and since then I had a proof disturbance of perception surrounding. First surrounding it seemed as in a matte photo, then in general there was a fog in a head, a depersonalisation/derealization, then like surrounding I began to see precisely, but,
1. The easy or light;mild dyscomfort is felt at perception. It seems, that surrounding subjects are not absolutely real.
2. At examining a subject close, for example, arms or hand, I do not receive satisfaction from seen, i.e. as though there is no uverenosti that I all rasmotrel, as though strong rassejanost. Sometimes, appears strong rassejanost, the head is as though disconnected or as though switched-off both I as though and all I understand, but it is difficult to think and be guided, i.e. problems with orientation and I do not test, but to think, that schaz to turn here, then there... Though happens that I start to fornicate or wander on premises or rooms.
3. Reaction to bright light. I go in dark glasses or spots. If sngjat the glasses or spots, surrounding it seems too bright, there is a sensation of unreality, as though otsustvuet sensual kompanent, the head starts to hurt or be ill;be sick, it is necessary shchuritsja.
4. An illegibility surrounding. Sometimes it seems, that swings or pumps, there are statuses close to a syncope.

Delel MRT the heads, two times, REG, dopler, last time MRT did or made in March of this year. Dopler has shown dystonic type of vessels and decreases of a blood flow, an elastance of vessels normal. On MRT a cervical department three are allocated small gryzhki, and raspostranennyj an osteochondrosis, but permeability of the main artery normal.
Was at the oculist, spent full inspection. Normally.

Drank a BP, nootropy, nothing helps or assists. What is it can be, how you think? Whether it is possible or probable because of an intoxication or it lays in sphere of psychoemotional problems.

Dr. Preobrazhens
27.06.2005, 15:10
The frustration of perception described by you, is included into a context of an endogenous or endogenic alienation and to treat it follows not only medikamentozno (a BP, neuroleptics), but also with an obligatory psychotherapy without which the effect of treatment will be minimal. You need to address to the doctor to the psychiatrist-psychotherapist on a residence or anonymously you can address in our clinic.

28.06.2005, 18:53
Through what time you had a hypertonic crisis after PA?
With what you connect or bind PA?
Whether there were reasons, in your opinion, at a hypertonic crisis?
How he proceeded, with what digits of pressure, as well as than was stoped?
How and when have started to accept antidepressants, under what scheme or plan, who them to you and on the basis of what has appointed or nominated? Whether accept something now? How estimate or appreciate effects of medicamental treatment?
Try to answer these questions more in detail, and I then shall try to respond you more precisely.:)

28.06.2005, 22:09
The first PA for me was as a bolt from the blue, i.e. preconditions were not. Earlier at me such in general never was. However, there were not strong pains before in right hypochondrium, and in this day when we went on a beach (and it was on a beach, is more correct after, we sat in cafe) there was a sensation of a numbness, very weak, arms or hand.
The hypertonic crisis has happened in following days off, in 6 days.
The reasons of a hypertonic crisis... Understand, before, I not that that did not know, that such pressure, at all did not know where pulse to measure. I was hot also abused slaboalkogolnymi drinks a little. Basically my job is happy or enough strained or intense, both mentally and physically, possibly, there was a deaquation though I accepted liquids in the form of beer and others slaboalkogolnyh drinks much.
Pressure as fast has measured was 150/90 at my worker 110/70. Stoped a nyxis of magnesia and Corvalolum.
I have started to accept a BP since November, all has begun with July of the last year. Before saws nootropy, Cavintonum, fezam, gingo.
To drink the beginnings under observation of the doctor in local psychosomatic unit. Has then passed to treatment to the doctor which lives in Germany (we communicate with it or him by phone through the Internet). He to me also appointed or nominated monotherapy, all over again paksil, then Remeron. I.e. my basic complaint was a derealization or a status with a head. Therefore he all over again predpologal at me depresiju with disturbance of biochemical balance in a brain, then he has translated or transferred me on Remeron, predpologal, that at me not hvatka noredrenalina. Recently the doctor to me recommended to refuse medicinal therapy, t.ke. She has not brought remission and poredpolozhil presence somatofornogo rastrojstva on the basis of lasting many hours conversations, on last my life.
It is necessary to tell or say, that it became easier, but again me somatika overcomes, the breast hurts, an esophagus, a stomach, legs or foots and all as in karusele, one has passed or has taken place, the beginning the second, and so on a circle.
Certainly, I was and at the therapist who speaks that all this nervous, whether to do or make to me FGS I know, but at me a strong cancerophobia. Recently, swings or pumps (subjectively), instability at walking, it is removed or is taken out by alcohol.
Sejchaz I finish drinking Remeron, gradually from it or him I descend or go also amitriptyline. Remeron 7,5 mg, amitriptyline of 0,25 mg.
Paraelno I drink travki, fezam and ginkgo as the alimentary additive.

28.06.2005, 22:11
At me a year as the temperature 37 - 37,7 keeps subferilnaja, is normalized also in the morning at night. And, for example, I can conduct at night an active way of life, to be strongly drunk, temperature all the same 36.4, and in the afternoon from 37

Dr. Preobrazhens
29.06.2005, 10:21
To help or assist to the full, by means of the Internet, phone or other communication facility - it is impossible as to establish or install the exact diagnosis it is possible only at personal contact. The equipment or installation of the exact diagnosis is a mortgage of correct treatment that causes speed and completeness of convalescence. And correspondence treatment can be compared, for example, to that in absentia diagnose you a stomach ulcer and you independently try to perform yourselves operation, and actually at you an appendicitis and to do or make operation the expert whom it is able should and did or made many times. And so you now try to be engaged in a selftreatment, by means of various advice or councils from various experts whom precisely establish or install the diagnosis cannot, as we are compelled or forced to use only your subjective data whom you give. Advice or councils can be the most different since vision of disease, through a prism of your narration, can be a little bit excellent or different. Accordingly advice or councils can be different. I, personally, prefer to not harm to people, appointing or nominating treatment in absentia or giving or allowing advice or councils which though somehow can aggravate disease. In fact the very first precept of the doctor - DO NOT DO much harm, it study or investigate in institute from the first course and till last day in internship (8-9 years). In fact a brain not range for tests of actions of various medicines and working off of those or other psychotherapeutic techniques, or self-affirmation. I already for a long time have understood it, thanks mine uchetiljam, and is confirmed by my long-term practice. Believe, to you to help or assist it is possible, but only in the event that you will come on reception to the doctor to the psychiatrist-psychotherapist, but too, be cautious, among mass of doctors there are and troechniki, and fans or amateurs eksperementov, and simply careless, illiterate, not taken place experts. In pregoing my answer I have established or installed to you the presumable diagnosis which it is necessary to specify and study or investigate your specific features proceeding from which treatment is appointed or nominated. Your subsequent reports lishch confirm my assumptions. If you will believe to me your status will improve if continue throwings the status will be aggravated, will pass in complex or difficult alienations, which consequences..... So everyone are afraid. And more - bezkontrolnyj reception of medicines accelerates and increases or enlarges your chances of serious mental disease.

29.06.2005, 12:50
Many thanks for the answer. I with you completely agree. I was internally at two psychiatrists, from one I take prescriptions till now. As the pump began to swing or pump one from me money, vroraja, the woman not bad, but has diagnosed me alcoholic absinentsii)
Its or His diagnosis, it I to itself all pridumuju, that then at me was terrible derealiztsija looked me their profesor, zavedushchy psihosmaticheskim unit, the neck, a fog in a head and other pleasures strongly hurted or was ill;was sick. If not the doctor with which I has met in Germany, would heal me since first of all to me have registered Rispolept, Depakinum Hrone, and Zoloft. And previous zhoktor has taken from me money and has given super a tablet, Egloni (Sulpiridum) and Sonopaks, and then in a week was surprised, how it it does not help or assist me.
I shall try to find the good doctor. It is a pity, that I cannot schaz arrive to Moscow.