Просмотр полной версии : Whether the person can change???

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12.01.2005, 07:42
Here it is interesting. If the person had one way of life, and now absolutely opposite it is necessary-whether to worry that earlier, something will return??? If this person has exchanged simply with the years, with mirovozreniem????

12.01.2005, 12:28
mmm.... fse we with the years vary... Changes in outlook are inevitable....

I och have abruptly changed the image zhyzni years in 17... nichuut about it I do not regret, and the others like not oblamyvajutsa...

" It is necessary-whether to worry that, something will return? "

How it to understand?

12.01.2005, 20:12
I too once have changed, it lasts a year 2 and to vary back I am not going to. So the person can change and abruptly enough, on all of 180 degrees, the truth such happens seldom.

14.01.2005, 14:58
Can. But as a rule unfortunately we vary not in the best party or side. So it is easier, so is easier

14.01.2005, 17:58
You Change model of behaviour and you remember a status. Anything complex or difficult.

14.01.2005, 18:15
WILL return? Hardly... If he/she has refused that way of life, means that that there was not pleasant...

14.01.2005, 19:16
The Life is a change, and that the person has noticeably exchanged in current of a life, she means for it or him passes or takes place "nezrja". In a youth the person its or his belief are still weak, weak, and often he goes on an occasion at the majority, against the present or true desires and aspirations. Having matured, he becomes stronger, finds the path and follows her.

14.01.2005, 19:32
Quite probably...

If the former way of life liked him...

Alain And
14.01.2005, 19:34
If has exchanged osoznanno that hardly will return and if it is its or his "change" it is interconvertible to an emotional impulse she as an impulse of a wind and ischeznit there whence has come.

14.01.2005, 19:34
Can certainly

14.01.2005, 19:36
Initial report Orange_sun

Here it is interesting. If the person had one way of life, and now absolutely opposite it is necessary-whether to worry that earlier, something will return??? If this person has exchanged simply with the years, with mirovozreniem????

If varies mirovozrenie, vrjadli. I here already precisely now shall never consider or count, that doll Barbi, there is no time me very liked, is an ideal of female beauty...

14.01.2005, 19:36
If the person has exchanged under another's influence, we shall tell or say so - you forbade to him/her to do or make something, we shall admit or allow to drink. To avoid scandals, this person will cease to drink, but when to him/her YOU become indifferent or you rasstanetes (if business concerns or touches pairs or steams) all can begin all over again, the person will return to a former way of life. Except for cases when to the given person the new way of life has suited taste and he has realized, that the past is not too remarkable...

14.01.2005, 19:37
The Person not pomenjalsja-he has remained same. You change a mobile phone many times, but its or his properties from it or this do not vary. As spoke and you speak. In the world menjajutsja three things: color, the form and the name, all rest is constant. Having hung up on yourself a dress you izmenilatolko predstalenie or 6 but have remained.

14.01.2005, 19:38
There can be a person will change vision for any things a little. But change can nobody.. Even he itself(himself) completely or is a little even nena is long.. Likely is not present...

14.01.2005, 19:38
The Life changes people, in any case, we want it or this or not.

Volkova JUlja
14.01.2005, 19:38
Everyone vary, and it or this neizbezhat

14.01.2005, 19:38
Well certainly can and return on popjatnuju. If has once turned, without ceremony can repeat. Though not everyone vary. Besides the person can pretend simply.

14.01.2005, 19:38
I think, that the person vrjadli can return to that than he was earlier... As he develops and varies

= =
14.01.2005, 19:38
The Chance always is, but it is impossible to live in pavor, to you predyotsja to trust and live on all hundred, not looking on a possible or probable failure.

14.01.2005, 19:38
All depends how much or as far as the person complexs., in what medium lives. More often the life changes, circumstances.

Xenia Igorevna
14.01.2005, 19:38
Initial report Orange_sun

Here it is interesting. If the person had one way of life, and now absolutely opposite it is necessary-whether to worry that earlier, something will return??? If this person has exchanged simply with the years, with mirovozreniem????

If the way of life became opposite, that, essentially, nothing has changed. The person has changed one extreme measure for its or her return reflection.

If changes are many-sided, if in them job is appreciable throttle also mind or wit, that, is hope that is possible nadejatsja on the valid changes.

14.01.2005, 19:38
Can if to him with it or this to help or assist

14.01.2005, 19:38
And without the help can be and can but it is a rare or an infrequent case

14.01.2005, 19:38
Very rare or infrequent

Olga Kr.
14.01.2005, 19:38
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