Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Whether it is valid in the first days or weeks at reception antidepre...

30.08.2004, 17:25
Hello. Whether it is valid in the first days or weeks at reception of antidepressants proizhodit intensifying of a symptomatology?
And what probability of occurrence of a mania or a hypomania at reception of the given preparations if before reception of it or this was not?

The anonym
31.08.2004, 09:08
Can amplify, as. Effect " absurd reaction ". And can (that more often) and to not be anything. And probability of manias if earlier never was, insignificant.

Bobrov A.E.
31.08.2004, 17:27
All depends on about what symptomatology there is a speech. Sometimes uneasiness really amplifies. But it is usual - t. n. "Intensifying" - result of psychological reaction to a new preparation. The probability of a mania at its or her absence in the past - is rather small or even is minimal.