Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, at me here what problem: being the person absolutely forgiving...

27.08.2004, 12:55
The doctor, at me here what problem: being the person absolutely forgiving, became recently very sensitive, especially often I take offence at the husband, I recollect old, it seemed already for a long time forgotten, its or his innocent jokes I perceive almost as the insult though it is assured, that he very much likes me. But such occurs or happens not always. Sometimes the mood varies so, that it seems, that I madly like it or him and it becomes a shame. In general the mood varies for a day some times. That I the happiest on light it seems that is more unfortunate than me anybody is not present. To tell the truth, such change of moods frightens me. What will you advise? In advance I thank.

Bobrov A.E.
28.08.2004, 00:35
Emotional instability - the certificate of occurrence of the general or common disease or hormonal reorganizations is frequent. It is necessary to be surveyed first of all. And then to address to the psychotherapist. Probably, something not so arranges you in your vital situation.