Просмотр полной версии : "PRICE" OF THE CHILD IN RUSSIA kolebletsja FROM $ 10 UP TO 90 THOUSAND "Price" of the child in...

Whether can give birth or travail women with the p
23.08.2004, 23:21

"Price" of the child in Russia kolebletsja from $ 10 up to 90 thousand dollars. It or this on Friday on press-conferences were declared chairman international public informatsionno-educational movement " Kindly without borders " by Svetlana Bocharova.

On its or her data, such sums "suggest" to pay to the parents, decided to adopt the child, is immediate in children's home when " they have already pestered, have passed or have taken place all circles and have received all necessary information or inquiries ". Svetlana Bocharova has noted, that usually similar operations are spent through a chain of intermediaries. As she said, on the average across Russia at parents request from $ 10 up to 50 thousand. The record price - $ 90 thousand - has noted been recently in Sankt-Petersburg.

" To earn on children's to mountain is not a sin, this crime ", - has told or said Bocharova. As she said, for 2001. In Russia it has been revealed more than 6 thousand wrongful actions against children in whom are involved nearby 80 thousand officials.

Thus Svetlana Bocharova has emphasized, that " parents basically not against to pay money for adoption, but they do not want, that these sums went to a pocket to Hope Ivanovne or Mare Petrovne ". Chairman of movement " Kindly without borders " has suggested to issue such payments legislatively - to establish or install their size and to organize special fund where will act money.

24.08.2004, 15:34
I do not know. I do not think what to adopt free of charge, so difficultly. At us - without problems. There would be a desire.

25.08.2004, 01:38
Dejzi, it at you without problems (by the way, where it, at you?), and at us (on Ukranine) it is not simply complex or difficult, and it is very complex or difficult.

25.08.2004, 15:18
To bargain it is necessary) to buy or purchase easier documents on the homeless child, than to pay 90 thousand

26.08.2004, 18:37
That at nas-in the same place, de j at you))) Nichogo sladnogo. Prijshov, - Ditinum yours. I when worked in a maternity home with the neonatal case - all through me passed or took place. People quickly even adopted, korojukami sweets managed. To put it briefly, to that it is necessary - address. I shall help or assist than can...

Well here
27.08.2004, 02:04
About as... And govorish-joruba...