Просмотр полной версии : Uf! How oppositely to go in the underground! Especially after a five years' break! But...

20.08.2004, 15:03
Uf! How oppositely to go in the underground! Especially after a five years' break! But, that is surprising, 5 years ago there there went one angered aunts and muzhiks, and now a lot of quite decent youth on a kind.

21.08.2004, 10:09
Looking the underground of what country.

22.08.2004, 10:08
And what, with the embittered aunts it was more pleasant?) Huch, nesmejana usually goes in the simple underground to simple and habitual us strany-Uganda)))))

22.08.2004, 19:25
In the blue car))

The anonym
23.08.2004, 16:34
zazhrashiesja burzhuazki... skotobaza...

24.08.2004, 07:05
Do not speak, the friend print... skotobaza-not that word. Up to what zazhralis-in the underground without ceremony to unroll))))