Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such problem is literally since the childhood. As soon as I nachin...

21.08.2004, 15:09
Hello! At me such problem is literally since the childhood. As soon as I start to be nervous at me problems with zheludochno-kishchechnym a tract - - whether strong stomach aches or more often a diarrhea begin. And sometimes I even do not realize the excitement, a situation not stressful. It is a psychological problem? Prompt where to address, as well as it is how much long to be treated?

Tolokonin A.O.
22.08.2004, 13:22
Yes, it is a problem with cleanly psychological roots. To be treated psihoterapevticheski. Duration of treatment to tell or say difficultly nevidja you. If live in Moscow, to enter the name to me on reception it is possible by phone: 367 69 08 (09) mediko-the psychological center Family + . If wish to cause or call on the house or office, write on E-Mail: tolokonin@mtu-net. ru
Tolokonin Artem Olegovich psihiatr-the psychotherapist.