Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! I the man, 24 years. During the last...

14.08.2004, 21:54
Hello, the dear doctor!
I the man, 24 years. During last 5 years has noticed at itself a subfebrile condition 36, 4 37, 5, along toward evening. In the morning of temperature is not present and in current of day narostaet. She to me at all did not prevent to live, went in for sports, veins an active life. Approximately 2 2, 5 years ago, with me something has started to occur or happen strange. All has begun with second umopomrachnenija, such status that vot-here will lose consciousness, pavor of mors sertsebienie that in a throat, but in 30 seconds all there and then is literally passes or takes place. Such attacks at me were seldom, approximately once a month. Then more often and more often. This period approximately 6 months. Has addressed to the neuropathologist - that to me has told or said that " it at you nervous character, do not pay to it attention, VEGETO the VASCULAR DYSTONIA, it now at this youth ". I starlsja as could - nothing helped or assisted. It last about 3 5 months. All this time at me was such status as though in water have lowered or omitted, a constant giddiness, sensation of unreality, the general or common delicacy, in general all attributes of an intoxication. I have solved pojtik to other neuropathologist, that has looked or seen me and has told or said what not plohoby to make kompjutornuju the tomogram of a brain. And has made. In the description - " SUSPICION ON the CEREBRAL ARACHNOIDITIS ", the neuropathologist has told or said that no trouble, will pass or take place course of treatment ivse will be normal", has handed over analyses on a herpes and a cytomegalovirus, have found credits were such HERPES (1) - 1 : 800, HERPES (2 group) - 1 : 200, the CYTOMEGALOVIRUS - 1 : 1600. nevrapatolog has told or said - what is it at me gerpetichesky an arachnoiditis, has passed or has taken place course of treatment ZOVIRAKSOM - 5 droppers in current of 5 days, however any improvement has not felt, then in current of 5 days put droppers about Cerebrolysinum, mildronat, asparkam. ANY IMPROVEMENT. Have written out from a day time hospital in takomzhe a status as well as before, I would tell or say that to me even became worse, after all these droppers. Has passed or has taken place 6 more months, by all this time it was surveyed (analyses, cardiograms) all in norm or rate, speak, do not invent - at normal analyses to you it can not be bad. But me from it or this it is not easier, constants a giddiness (especially costing or standing), attacks - have remained. Accepted a heap of vitamins of medicines, has not helped or assisted. Speak it at you "nerves"! Has gone to the psychiatrist, that speaks - YES IT At YOU the NEUROSIS, WILL have a drink TABLETS (FENOZEPAM ON ONE 3 TIME a DAY) And ALL BECOMES ON the PLACES. In general I "have sat down" on this fenozepam, from it or him vrodeby it is easier, but vseravno delicacy, a giddiness, a gloomness of consciousness of all this did not leave or abandon me not for a second. I have spent on drink its or his floor of the year, any effect. HAS thrown With GREATER or BIG WORK. On pairs or steams in institute I can not sit, I can not stand, in the street too most, I do not find to myself a place. Has then made one more time the tomogram of a brain, again - " EXPANSION SUBARACHNOIDAL prostrasva, neiskljuchen the CEREBRAL ARACHNOIDITIS ". nevrapotolog has appointed or nominated vasodilating TSINARIZIN. ANY effect. To me from them only became worse. Have appointed or nominated PIROKSAN - too most. There was a delicacy in legs or foots, poshatyvanija at hotbe in general everyone becomes worse and worse. Addressed to many vrcham - to gastroenterologists, therapists, loram, to phthisiatricians in general to all. Checked on garmony - ALL In NORM or RATE. ABSOLUTELY ANY IZMINENY HAVE not found. Not for a long time to me have advised one more neuropathologist - that has looked or seen me, "obstuchal" - and in current of 10 minutes has put the following diagnosis - " CEREBRAL ARAHNOENTSIFALIT ", has appointed or nominated NOOTROPILUM 1200 on 1 tablet 2 times a day, ENELBIN 100 1 tab. 2 of time in day, and nyxes ERBISOL, ENZIM "And" on odnumu in day in current of 15 days. Whether at me to you a question izlichim ARAHNOENTSEFALIT, or this picture remains for all life? And if izlichim that for what time? That you could advise me. I absaljutno have departed from the former life, have thrown pool, I do not communicate with friends, and me in fact only 24 years, it would be desirable to live a normal life. Whether Prada that signs of the ENCEPHALITIS REMAIN In CURRENT of ALL LIFE?. that that with me now occurs or happens it on always?

16.08.2004, 12:09
Here the pool should not be thrown precisely. At me too attributes vegeto-a vascular dystonia (me of 27 years). As it was found out in a forum, medicines you can weaken or easy effect for a short while only. If this or thus not hereditary, the reason in your mentality. And further to the psychotherapist. Urgently I recommend to renew playing sports.

Tolokonin A.O.
16.08.2004, 19:56
Dear Valera!
The signs described by you (including an arachnoiditis), can be displays of problems in unconscious. Very much often patients with similar problems are surveyed where only it is possible and try is treated by medicines, but the result does not happen. Necessarily address to the psychotherapist internally.

17.08.2004, 01:40
Excuse I has not understood that means " can be displays of problems in unconscious. "?

The anonym
18.08.2004, 04:14
livsed@yahoo. com pishi

Tolokonin A.O.
19.08.2004, 13:14
The vegetative (independent) nervous system and its or her functioning directly is connected with unconscious the person. If in itself there are problems they are shown by problems in vegetatike (instability of temperature, pressure, the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE, immune problems...), they can somatizirovatsja in a concrete pathology, can the infection which treatment by medicines does not bring oshchutimogo result will connect. But under influence of a psychotherapy the status improves. Address to the psychotherapist internally and on reception the doctor all will explain to you, being based on your problems.

20.08.2004, 16:46
The dear doctor! What do you tell or say in occasion of purpose or appointment of NOOTROPILUM and ENELBINA? Whether Mozhgut these preparations to do much harm to me, if vsetaki at me problems with mentality???

21.08.2004, 02:51
And more, vopos - REALLY the NEUROPATHOLOGIST CAN not OLICHIT ARAHNOENTSEFALIT FROM the NEUROSIS, the PSYCHOSIS WELL And.??? In fact he has found out in me otsutsvie some reflexes (brbshnogo) and more kakieto...

Tolokonin A.O.
22.08.2004, 10:24
Dear Valera!
I have stated you the view on the reasons of your status though clinically it can be expressed arahnoentsefalitom. Therefore, the neurologist treats you correctly, but from the point of view of the psychotherapist the psychotherapy is necessary still.