Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I can not forgive or excuse to myself, that so has unimportantly married in the first...

20.08.2004, 08:06
I can not forgive or excuse to myself, that so has unimportantly married for the first time.
At my former father-in-law one ear several years ago has given up, doctors have told or said, that something with a nerve. Together with it or this at it or him the passion to " search of validity " has become aggravated, he goes and has legal proceedings and complains, etc. Earlier he could not be kept more than two years at job. After an ear it pereraslo in more aggressive forms - "to punish", " that have paid ", etc. Demands to "victims" were shown badly connected with logic and a reality, and dreams of "punishments" have got a criminal shade. Thus "victim" has no even the right to insult: for example, " we shall steal Tanju with a daughter, and with her we shall agree, that she was at us on a summer residence while its or her mother-in-law of money will not give " (and in fact it their relatives, and inflation was guilty of loss of money) only. For ten years of marriage or spoilage I observed similar signs and at the former husband - the he became more senior, the more them it was found out also by that they became brighter. Though, maybe, it simply I grew wiser, I do not know. Then them with the father it very much srodnilo, at both in reasonings any childishness, whether chto-? And the world at them any, nobody clear, even friends have noticed. After divorce I have left, and weigh their anger "was switched" to my parents. Tell or say please, whether there can be it hereditary paranojalno-isteroidnoj a psychopathy (all signs as in the book) and how to protect itself and relatives from people of a similar sort - the divisional makes a helpless gesture, as externally all looks or appears plausibly, and associates perceive them seriously? Whether such people on kriminal Are capable - I very much am afraid for parents, and I am am excruciated constantly with feeling of fault before them? Whether It is possible to demand carrying out of psychiatric examination and where about it or this it is possible to read through? Thanks in advance.

21.08.2004, 03:52
Yes, the answer you will not wait...