Просмотр полной версии : I have met the man and have overslept with it or him. Now a problem - I can not reach or achieve or...

23.07.2004, 04:02
I have met the man and have overslept with it or him. Now a problem - I can not reach or achieve an orgasm with the husband. Before practically punctures done not happen or was not possible. If there were erotic imaginations now they were gone in general earlier. How to leave this situation? And more. I wish to continue occurrings with that the man (there are on that reasons), not harming to family. He in a course, that with me has occured or happened, and is ready to wait for a new occurring. Help or assist!

23.07.2004, 08:33
The same situation! Here also there are 2 years and to the husband do or make favors....... Also I do not regret!

To Lina Tatyana
23.07.2004, 11:38
Yes, but as you cope with an orgasm... At me he has disappeared... I cannot tell or say, that I like the husband, but in sex all was by way of, and now I cannot....

23.07.2004, 14:56
And what for in general such family - you do not like the husband, in bed with it or him it became bad... What derzhit-that? Money, children?

Lina Zet
25.07.2004, 04:01
Therefore I ask advice or council, that it is necessary to make to return former sex... I and before did not like it or him, however, it did not influence sex in any way. All was good. And holds that? Certainly, everything, that you have listed. And if to return former attitudes or relations in bed will be that's all right. Only as it to make.

Tatyana for Liny
26.07.2004, 06:36
This time or temporary phenomenon! Simply you iz-for comparisons of the husband on it or this have gone in cycles. Try to not think during such moments of the adventures with another! Or try or taste with the husband something new that did not try or taste earlier. (can be iz-that You already fine know that behind what goes) it is necessary to bring any variety!

27.07.2004, 08:57
Probably it at you " efekt novelty ". If there is no love to that, to another in due course probably all will rise on the places... And what to advise - it is possible to jerk kuda-nibud with the husband in romantic travel, to replace a situation, can, let he on another postrizhetsja or will make to itself(himself) small juicy tatuirovochku... Eventually look together with it or him pornushku. And it is possible to represent simply during sex what is it not your husband, and someone another. Can be stirs or prevents feeling of fault?

28.07.2004, 00:17
Remember, habitues konfy, were a question: Why
It is possible for men on the left, and zhenshchinam-is not present. (the Widespread position) Here one more reason designated Linoj!)))))
(Muzhchina-that will always test an orgasm, izmenil-neizmenil...)

] or atjushka
28.07.2004, 10:50
Semyonych, by your words the conclusion arises, that the woman who does not test an orgasm should not go on the left at all! All this nonsense and the next man's justification man's "kobelizmu"... No more that! And what then occurs or happens to women who with the constant partner vdurg cease to receive an orgasm, and thus do not go on the party or side? Correctly! The best medicine vylechitsja-pojtina this left party or side! So all on the contrary! And if and on the party or side the orgasm, most likely iz-for conscience vanishes.. Which does not allow to relax... That's all an explanation.))) and then, under your theory it is possible it is direct now adultresses at once to define or determine))

29.07.2004, 05:25
Actually I do not justify change (M).
Not for religious reasons (me christened in 1975 g-ist. spravochka). And on moral more.
Nevertheless I consider or count that if change has happened,
The responsibility of the woman greater or big than M. Here Linochka is written " now with a problem "... .da it is good that only one problem and such small. Well can muzhichinka pick up from sex unpleasant?
Well on krajnjak AIDS. And women of variants have more.
(I about pregnancy and the responsibility for other life). The joke is: the Output or Exit from KVD: CHel derzhitsja for a head " aaa... .spid... .pipets... " 2 oh leaves "
aaa... Spid. .vsyo... " 3 j " Ur!!! Sifachok.. """

30.07.2004, 02:55
You need to get or start still pair lovers that change has ceased to be grandioznam event then value of each sexual partner will obviously decrease, with sex there will be a full order, well and to soul or douche kak-nibud shall treat

30.07.2004, 20:49
Yes in any way you will not return past Lina. Cooling of sex partners to each other inevitably. In due course all to become predicted and ordinary. Simply brand new with the lover has eclipsed and without that almost died away or gone out feeling to the bored husband. Your feelings to the husband still will return but not on long, and not in such grandiose sensations as with new lovers. And also with each subsequent lover the sensation, is what is it not so new, it will be more and more appreciable, and sex in general will lose the appeal, if not from the big sex experience, from an old age.

Lina all
31.07.2004, 14:01
As all of you have helped or assisted me... Everyone - to the ! I so am grateful to all of you!!! You do not represent. THANKS VSEM-ALL - VSEM-ALL - ALL OF YOU!!!!!!