Просмотр полной версии : It would be desirable to hear opinions on a subject of female friendship. Why so occurs or happens, mozh...

16.07.2004, 06:16
It would be desirable to hear opinions on a subject of female friendship. Why so there is, maybe, I incorrectly perceive a situation. My friend can easy tell or say to me: you awfully look or appear, you so have recovered or, this lipstick to you does not go at all, you become similar to the prostitute, another asks, that VOLOSESHKI let grow or something color of hair not so, dim any. The girlfriend eulogizes the girl my was or former to which that has left, what that, the beauty and the clear head, unless she does not understand, that it is to put it mildly unpleasant to me. When I meet the young man, can release or let off komentary: yes he for emergency holds you or is fast he you will throw, here will see, most likely it or he has another. And it is a lot of such examples. What is it, human tactlessness, people do not understand, that do or make to the person unpleasantly and even painfully at times or it is envy, banal malicious envy. There can be I allow to mount upon to myself a neck, therefore with me behave thus. As to it to react or in general to try to not notice it or this. I shall be grateful to everyone who will share the reasonings.

16.07.2004, 08:32
These friends simply envy you, their girlfriends will not name. The true friendship is, I most have present or true girlfriends. By the way, we can tell or say each other everything, but not as it is done or made by your friends. For example, if to the girlfriend very much does not go new koftochka I shall tell or say something of type " you such beautiful, at you a good figure, and this koftochka does not reflect all your advantages " And if girlfriend to not like my friend she and speaks, that a pier I am worthy the best.

17.07.2004, 19:39
Typical self-affirmation due to humiliation of relatives. If you continue to be silent, and to be indignant only at this conference, the behaviour of your girlfriend remains former. Such reference or manipulation is not pleasant - firstly simply tell or say about it or this to the girlfriend. Intelligibly explain, why it is unpleasant to you. If will not reach - it is possible to operate or work with its or her methods - too to do or make to her "compliments" in occasion of its or her appearance and other. She can does not understand, that does or makes to you by painfully stories about the girlfriend was or former men and if understands Vy-that be silent - means it is possible to continue. Tell or say, that at you not volosenki, in hair. For the sake of what you suffer or bear the rasping reference or manipulation? Can be afraid, what having minded to girlfriends, you will lose them? And so - though someone series? Well and in the extremity or end almost banality: " to us concern how we allow " and female friendship here at anything!

20.07.2004, 05:03
It and tactlessness can be, and envy. By close girlfriends of such people to do or make it is not necessary. Certainly, on that they and friends that not toko on a head to iron and flatter. But if the girlfriend at the slightest pretext you kritikuetr and jazvit, it not the girlfriend. Or pretend, that to you vsek it is peer, or tell or say, that lipstick is pleasant to you, and it is not pleasant to that, let will come over to other party or side of street.

22.07.2004, 17:21
Kick it or her out! To such stinkers in girl-friends not a place, also do not find out the attitude or relation, this lady only will understand, that has reached or achieved the purpose and will be even worse. Think here of what - associates too hear its or her words, and their attitude or relation to you can isportitja. First regret, and then think - to that she such rotten is necessary... Cannot respond... In ignor it or her!

25.07.2004, 13:45
Vo-the first, it very much even is good, if the girlfriend directly speaks you the opinion on your new hairdress, lipstick, etc. who else can prompt you, that to you goes, and that is not present. Certainly it is unpleasant to hear "nekomplimenty" in the address but if they are reasonable and objective, and start with lips of your close girlfriend, to take offence it is not necessary, it is better vozmite to itself on a note. I do not think, that she speaks it that you to offend. Vo-the second if it is not pleasant to you, that the girlfriend will eulogize the girl your was or former, you have the right to tell or say to her, that this subject is not discussed any more and not mentioned. Though it can too quite objective judgements. And that it is better to hear the unpleasant truth from the girlfriend or from somebody another, not such relatives. In the third to agree with girlfriends or not, the choice always for you. If it seems to you, that the person does not watch or keep up the words and has come too far in statements, put it or him on a place. CHto-it is possible to turn into a joke something, something to turn a deaf ear, something to consider. Or you want, that your girlfriends time would flatter all of you even by lies. Really if you really will to look or appear well the girlfriend the compliment will not pay you. Try to differentiate, where tactlessness, and where validity where speaks envy and where simply desire to help or assist and prompt. In any case you choose those people with whom to you it is pleasant obshchatsja. The friendship should be in pleasure, instead of in has strained. Success.

27.07.2004, 09:37
Completely with Eve it agree

Shimanskij O.I.
28.07.2004, 23:42
Dear Verunja! If your "girlfriends" speak those words, that you have resulted or brought, it speaks or about their disadvantages of education (medium in which they address) but then it is your choice - to be friends with such, or hostility to you. You can try inform unambiguously what to you is not pleasant and to not be silent when you touch.

30.07.2004, 15:54
Education can at it or her at all is absent? Certainly, it is necessary to allow for the podouge to understand, that at it or her something not so, but in such form is more on the insult or humiliation it is similar. There are such people at which there is no side of tactlessness, and they in general are more correct than this concept of a head do not take, thus they happens in soul or douche and do not bear your malice, but it vsezhe a rarity.