Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, I wish to learn or find out more about protective mechanisms. I am under nablju...

26.07.2004, 13:04
Zdrastvujte, I wish to learn or find out more about protective mechanisms. I am under observation of the psychotherapist, he speaks, that that's all right, and I so do not think. I have transferred or carried much the strongest psihotravm, there were phobias and panataki, and like with consequences have consulted, but now at me protective mechanisms are so developed all, what even the most terrible things which occur or happen to me, are perceived as by itself understood. More shortly I any more am not afraid of anything, all that could - already there was and not time. It can and is normal, but - to mine something not so. As it is possible and to get under the machine or car on road if nothing to be afraid. Prompt what to do or make in such situation?

29.07.2004, 18:14
And you really are afraid of nothing or at you simply such impression in comparison by what was earlier? If you have successfully resolved with the psychotherapist of a problem, probably, he will help or assist and to correct thresholds of sensitivity in the attitude or relation of danger and other.

30.07.2004, 05:31
And what with you such happened or was possible? Tell.