Просмотр полной версии : Greetings! I am constantly broken on the husband, all in itself irritates! What with me? Vmes...

24.07.2004, 16:47
Greetings! I am constantly broken on the husband, all in itself irritates! What with me? Together 2 years, to the son 1 years and 3 months! It seems that I like it or him, and to live together nehochu!

The anonym
25.07.2004, 11:00
Have simply a rest from each other

26.07.2004, 18:41
Itself not married, but it is a lot of girlfriends and friends family. At them such such at all was, the main thing it to endure and to not do nonsenses. As a rule it happens in 1 j year, 3 j and 5 j a joint life. Do not experience all it will be good. I wish good luck.

27.07.2004, 04:14
We personally did not have crises neither in 1 j, nor in 3 j year of marriage or spoilage. But to us is easier without children. Vasula, you can is tired from care of the child? From here and a boring on the husband? Costs or stands probably, to leave it or him with the child on target, and most to leave to have a rest on couple of days with the girlfriend (or even to parents). And it is even better to attach the child for 2 3 days and with the husband to arrange to itself " romantic week-end " (only not the at home, it it is necessary to replace a situation).

28.07.2004, 13:35
You are tired, all in your life has sharply changed is normally, have a rest, communicate outside of the house (very much helps or assists) and as sit down also a suspension all PRO AND CONTRA on the bill of the husband more - I will be assured that FOR more. Success!

29.07.2004, 02:17
Girls, thanks for your answers! All the matter is that mine muzh-the trucker. (10 its or his days are not present, 2 days of the house). Care of the child and the house polnost on me!
Mum washing has died 8 months ago, now on me also the daddy! At it or him too houses and cleaning, etc. Constantly I experience also for mladshchego the brother (he lives abroad). The mother-in-law hates me and at all does not help or assist. That me pleases all every day so it is mine synochek! How to live further?

29.07.2004, 16:51
Give itself a little bit time - be glad or pleased to the son, vtjaneshsja, pouspokoishsja, postorajsja to find time for itself. The husband has arrived - give him the son, and itself climb in a bathroom with knizhechkoj (well or make that weakens or relaxs you. At everyone the) My husband went so 3 years - much irritated me too. But then I have understood, that while it or him is not present I draw in brains ljubovno-pink pictures on its or his bill, and when he comes (tired, hungry, not slept) that he not such "fluffy" as in pictures. When he began to live at home - all became on the places. You do not have sensation that have locked you?