Просмотр полной версии : Dear Friends! Participants of a forum! I congratulate you on a light holiday...

Hazhilina I.I.
25.07.2004, 07:10
Dear Friends! Participants of a forum! I congratulate you on a light holiday of Christmas! You will wake up once in the morning and oshchuitite yourselves the most remarkable, most schastlimym, the most liked person on the ground. And you vygljannete in a window also will see a rainbow. And you will meet on this iridescent ponticulus to the success!

29.07.2004, 03:59
Dear Irina, thanks! You simply charm! To you too pleasures and love!

29.07.2004, 16:16
It is assured, what is it will be, but all I shall ask: it will be valid so?