Просмотр полной версии : I have read through yesterday's soobshchenitse Babies. Oh also has become thoughtfull!!! Izbavi...

donna the Paella
12.07.2004, 13:14
I have read through yesterday's soobshchenitse Babies.
Oh also has become thoughtfull!!! Izbavi my God me from such
Love. Do not take personally the girl, you
While probably small, simply you wish to be
Good. It will pass or take place. I about others skazat want.
navidalas people at which has not passed or has not taken place, and to see
Once again sovsm not hunting. Kindness to kindness rozn, and
To cat at times ears naderesh, and the child
You will spank. But if on business to like that they
Will be not less and more even. And then one
All such rozovenkaja (not in sense sexual
) the young woman has got or started orientations to itself on the fortieth
To year of a life kotika. Kotik as also it is necessary to him
Began to write everywhere where prispichit. Spoke her
That has locked it or him on pair denkov alone with
Pot. So is not present its or her poor liking serdche
Not vyderzhimalo when he cried under a door.
Let out or Released, and kotik again poured under a sofa. But
When all apartment became similar to one
The big cat's tray, anyway on
To smell the young woman has got rid of the favourite. And
As gorevala poor! Groaned, that to her not
Has carried. And who is guilty? While your kindness to you
Only sideways leaves - please, be engaged
Problems of girlfriends, endow time, not
Meet even the boyfriend. He that it
Will estimate or appreciate, do not doubt! But when from kindness
Others to suffer begin, think. And that here
One kind girl has given the jeans
To the girl-friend poor. Kind, words are not present, only new
She to herself has then bought or purchased on maminy money. And
Mum sat for this purpose how much that days at night with
halturkoj. netushki, to the children such here
Well-wishers on a gun shot I shall not admit. And
To a dog. And to a cat. Even to small fishes. And that in fact
Will regret poor of an aquarium on air
To pull out, and they will take rest in water,
Which do not change.

The anonym
13.07.2004, 07:32
It completely agree.

14.07.2004, 14:04
donna the rose, would be desirable the girl of attention, here she and squeezes out from kotika the last 100 gr. In konfe, and you to her with morals.,) - is easier, sigh a full breast, the life is perfect, women are liked, men are courageous, and horses are graceful.,)

donna the Paella
16.07.2004, 03:48
The kindest, for the answer of thanks, but what for nik
To distort? Etak I you Don Pedro shall be
To name.:)))) and soobshchenitse I was not for
Girls, and for all. And you - do not learn or teach me to live,
Is better support.

donna the Paella
16.07.2004, 23:29
Even so - Don pedro:)

18.07.2004, 10:36
The call is accepted, where the check to send. The signature: Don pedro de a market.

18.07.2004, 16:39
Donna, this woman was not truly kind. Truly
The kind person will not get rid from trusted to him
Alive essence. He will endure also a smell, and even that
Worse. In it or this also there will be a kindness. And if to beat children and
To excruciate animals ridiculous training, it is pure or clean
Waters egoism. You do not accept their behaviour and you
Throttle their individuality, distributing to the right and
On the left shlepki. At all do not lift an arm or a hand
On the child, a cat, a dog. They will remember a pain and not
Will forgive or excuse to you it or her never. Esteem any site on
To training: after the first impact contact between
By the trainer and dog it is lost for ever. And as
It is a pity you look or appear pesiki which are beaten by owners,
Would see! The Pain is a pain as it or her you do not name, it
The pavor, there where pavor, a place is not present love. Darling Malyshka,
Remain kind, it is such rarity in ours
Unhealthy society with a cult of aggression!!! Success to you!!!

. AND.
19.07.2004, 09:11
Everything, it was last drop. Kind Antoninja, and at
You is the dog? Either a cat? Or the child? Or yours
Representations about training and education pocherpnuty
Exclusively from books and the Internet? Bases dressury
Here ilagat it will be inappropriate, but I can result or bring pair
Examples from personal experience. My mother - too Antonina
- Same "kind". Therefore, when a cat nashkodit,
She never punishes it or her. She calls me. And when I
To her I explain, that punishment should be right after
"Crimes" - does or makes round eyes and it is horrified
" To punish? I shall offend it or her... " Nyxes to her were done or made by me.
Antibiotics - bitter diko, that rubbish still - too I
Gave. Mum for what a cat so to suffer not
Has forced, that you. That we have as a result: Dasha mum
In a penny does not put. Awakes in 4 mornings if her to eat
prispichit. In my room - it is silent and on tsypkah, if I
I sleep. To wake??? Once tried, but has remembered on
- it is not necessary to do or make all life of it or this. It is not necessary. And here when
She nashkodila last time - has climbed on a table for
Forage also has overturned it or him on a floor - I have come from job,
Houses of anybody, on kushne a brothel or disorder - has simply called it or her and
Has asked " DASHA who has made it? " So she ears
Has pressed, on a floor it was tumbled down up by paws - a pier, I repent,
Only legs or foots do not beat. All. So a pain hurt rozn,
To punish it is necessary. But with MIND or WIT. So do not bring down all in
One heap. And problem Malyshki consist not
Only and it is not so much in a kitten. The person not always is able
To tell or say "is not present", not always is able to put the interests
Above interests of others. Sometimes to renounce the
Interests not harmfully, but not always... And at you
The algophilia any turns out. WHAT FOR to suffer or bear a smell,
If for some days it is possible to accustom a cat to

. - Antonina
20.07.2004, 03:55
P. S. " the Pain is a pain as it or her you do not name. It is pavor,
There where the pavor, a place is not present love. " Citations should be taken in
Inverted commas.

donna the Paella
20.07.2004, 14:27
Girls, girls, do not quarrel.:)))

donna the Paella
20.07.2004, 18:00
Yes, by the way, where it is Don pedro, in the world oshn,
Has got lost? Or on apologies it or him has not sufficed? Or
We apologize only before obviously very young and

22.07.2004, 08:58
Happens sometimes so it is a pity, when for example you can not otveti on someone's feelings, - well you do not like also all - and the person in a flat cake rasshibaetsja and kovrikom under legs or foots it is unrolled - the temptation to not tell or say to him precisely " is not present I do not like " is very great. Same so it is pleasant when you look after. But it here that case when rigidity - the best friend... Also you speak and you feel the murderer... (((((

22.07.2004, 19:32
Antonine-to a clone. Ha-ha-ha

oshshn (he Don pedro, he jimmy, he gosha.
23.07.2004, 12:01
.. He goga, he egor, he jury, he georgy aleksandrovich (or as it or him there from Moscow does not believe tears). Madam! I make the sincere apologies, repeatedly I ask the address to send the check for material support, according to the inquiry made earlier.

23.07.2004, 19:08
And not ochen-that I small: (((! And the kitten at once certainly will not be accustomed to a toilet (for my month it was necessary to clean or remove: (, but the kitten has appeared clever after next time has done, a paper with dirty tricks and a kitten has planted or put in podpol and has shown a hole through which it is necessary vyberatsja, and the kitten has understood, where a toilet:))!! And boots which I have given and has remained in old, I had to fulfil: (, mytyom utensils in a dining room: (((, my mum strict and if I shall do something correct itself! But now mum I feed, and for study to crying, became absolutely independent:), but mum wants, that I always remained the child, and probably it is amusing from, that she when it is cool, puts on to the adult aunt shapochku:)!
* ** * ** why you such malicious? Probably, it is necessary for you attention:), here you also grumble, it is bad odnomu-that, without support!!!

25.07.2004, 04:20
Malyshka if not a secret, how much you receive mum for washing of utensils if you contain yourself, for study you allocate, moreover, probably and on ice-cream remains?

26.07.2004, 06:04
I washed UTENSILS when have given boots: (((, novye-that were necessary: (((, and mum then has got: " Are bought or purchased not on your money pouchis-ka them to earn! " Here also it was necessary...! It is necessary to begin with something:)!

27.07.2004, 16:07
And sejchas-that as you earn?

28.07.2004, 17:00
Here, I sit here and to me money pay for it:)! The Truth is a little: (but while families are not present I am interrupted!