Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, Tell or Say please, whether similar that occurs or happens to me...

25.07.2004, 23:23
The dear doctor, Tell or Say please, whether similar that occurs or happens to me on a solar plexitis. To me of 49 years. The last half a year, with periodicity in 1 2 months at me under identical "script" occurs or happens the following. In the middle of day abdominal pains in district of a belly-button begin. Periodically, long fights. By the evening they amplify. Very painfully. It comes to an end with that me throws in fever - a cold, the perspiration, sometimes with a loss of consciousness (diarrhoeas, vomitings, no, it it is a little toshnit) acts. After that the pain passes or takes place those ("grows dull"), it becomes easier, and gradually all calms down or is abirritated. When fast has brought in hospital - leucocytes were in 3 times above norm or rate, on a trace put in 1, 7 times above norm or rate. Last two attacks were with an interval in two weeks. To me did or made full inspection, US, a gastroscopy, a colonoscopy, etc. Yes, there is a gastritis, any nodules, but the reason of attacks cannot find. The attending physician has told or said, that such "explosive" symptomatology is not similar to a solar plexitis, speaks usually at this illness or disease hurt blunt and long - nesko days. I can add, that at job I am in a constant nervous strain. The doctor, - your opinion, and advice or council how to be. I passed or took place inspection in Moscow in Botkinskoj to hospital. Me the whole consultation of gastroenterologists and surgeons looked - rezultata is not present. In advance thanks.

Tolokonin A.O.
26.07.2004, 23:24
Very similar on somatoformnoe frustration. Thus there is a physical pain in reply to psihotravmu or a nervous strain. Thus do not find any changes from internal organs. Address to the psychotherapist internally. If it samotoformnoe frustration a physical status at once to improve.