Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 4 months ago I have left the guy and it has appeared, that he zara...

12.07.2004, 21:40
Hello! 4 months ago I have left the guy and it has appeared, that he has infected me with venereal illness or disease. I wish to cure it, but to the gynecologist I can not go. At me a phobia: I panically am afraid of survey, me to become badly. Has once fainted. I in despair, do not know that delet. Help or assist please! Thankful in advance!

The anonym
13.07.2004, 09:12
Hm and that to be afraid of the gynecologist? He bad will not make anything, it is exact! He the doctor, the professional, such as you at it or him thousand and up to you personally to him is not present any business or affairs. So bystrenko overcome the pavor and run to be treated, and that yet do not give the god any complications will acquire, here it is necessary to be afraid of it or this instead of the gynecologist!

14.07.2004, 09:46
Vo-the first what venereal illness or disease? Here the gynecologist, and the venereologist is necessary not. And it is not necessary to be afraid really, 50 % of people if no more at all do not suspect about presence at them dermato-venerologic diseases!