Просмотр полной версии : Good evening! Has learned or has found out, that the person can learn to become angry never and not...

02.07.2004, 20:29
Good evening! Has learned or has found out, that the person can learn to become angry and to not take offence at insults never. Leaves, what if the person does not aspire to learn to not react anger on unworthy behaviour in relation to it or him;them (the trifles are excluded, not costing or standing attention) there is nothing with it or him of to a message is affable and validly? There is nothing to protect its or his nerves? What for to protect, in fact he is guilty - insult and anger - its or his choice, whether tak-?

03.07.2004, 21:22
Hardly you can behave with such person not validly. I remember stood in a queue for tickets, so the cashier shouted, I to myself have told or said, can to her is bad at it or her the stomach or belly hurts, and she poor works also I with a smile... Be those are kind.... (I have mentally really sympathized with her) so she not in that that shouted, and even was late from job what to issue for me papers. And in the rest. You with the insults simply for it or him do not exist and that with it or him to communicate to you it would be necessary to behave accordingly.

The anonym
05.07.2004, 11:09
Again the same song, what at Inna?

05.07.2004, 23:27
LIJA, Vlad had in view of seryoznye insults, instead of or cashiers of everyones. Vy-would not take offence at the person, esli-he would strike you on the face? Obidelis-still as! Can be then prostili-, certainly, but initially obidelis-it is exact! Esli-would not take offence, then in you advantages are not present (at absence of advantage there is nothing to touch in soul or douche - dostoinstva-that is not present also vanity too). And with your cashier nenado was to sympathize, to me here too often badly happens, but ja-on people I do not rush also you, I hope, too... Let boors know the place!

Kira - for Lii
06.07.2004, 14:47
And with you unless the cashier behaved accordingly?

07.07.2004, 05:06
Lerka, I cannot present myself at all that someone has struck me on the face.... And to react anger... .zachem... Whether .esli to you of roads this person and he leads up you to such status he is necessary to you? There Are only cashiers.....

08.07.2004, 05:48
It is necessary simply to be able to own the emotions and never to throw the bad mood on other people, they in it or this are not guilty. Try to smile and be kinder more.

09.07.2004, 15:26
To me as that all the same as me will name. If each insult to perceive close to heart, from my nerves nothing sotanetsja. r = let it will be better on conscience of that so has told or said.