Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist, please advice or council. The matter is that last time...

25.06.2004, 23:49
Hello! Help or assist, please advice or council. The matter is that last time to me was noticeably grown cold by the husband. Comes from job gloomy, is silent. I start to bring up - he from it or him leaves. By love it is or are engaged as on enertsii, without feelings and emotions. Has casually learned or has casually found out from people who do not know, that he my husband, that he liked one girl, but she as though was not defined or determined yet, does not speak him "yes" "is not present". Here so we also live in uncertainty. He hopes, that she will agree, I hope, that she will refuse. I do not know what to do or make. To find forces and to throw its or his the first? And if all not as to me have told or said? I in confusion, help or assist advice or council. For clearness: to us for 26 years, are married 1 year, children are not present, the girl is more younger for 3 4 years.

The hedgehog
27.06.2004, 04:59
It is not necessary to indulge in vain hopes. If the man leaves in itself it or he most likely really has on that reasons, it is not obligatory other woman. It is necessary to talk. Tell or say, what you worry, describe your suspicions (only do not refer to "denunciations" of strangers), ask, what not so? All in your arms or hand. Success.

27.06.2004, 23:36

28.06.2004, 01:33

28.06.2004, 09:59
Ira! Whether who is not enough to that has liked. How much is the correct husbands nevertheless very liking, for example, to glance on pornokartinki in a computer or on beautiful legs or pinches in the street. And in family it is necessary to trust each other and to solve all questions, so to say, peacefully, by negotiations. But Irochka, dear or expensive where your own "I" why you actually speak, what the future of your family depends on this girl who has ostensibly liked your spouse and now in meditations? - to mine, the mistress in the house you. So, you should solve all over again for yourselves, that is necessary for you - disintegration of family or its or her conservation. And further, as they say, a trick! Analyse yours with the husband a life, yours and its or his miscalculations why as a result there has come or stepped weariness and apathy... Once again I shall emphasize - anybody, except for you a two, at your ideas to be present should not. Success! Katya

29.06.2004, 01:49
It is necessary Ira to meet her - to try to call in on a visit and... - an old trick: to show its or her husband in an ordinary situation - to force to stir or chatter, giggle - to remove or take off an aura of singularity... To show that she same as all.

29.06.2004, 16:11
If still zanimetsja with you love anything for you it is not lost. Most likely a poppycock to you have charged or loaded. Also do not hammer in a head trifles, at your husband can be thousand reasons to be gloomy and reticent. Further, on svojmu to man's experience I know, that any conversations are useless, if there is another. If will decide to leave, will leave. The only thing if want that he has remained, tell or say, a current without fanaticism, that he is very necessary to you. Also represent tender and liking. And if he after that will leave, how one my friend has told or said: " he of it or this also costs or stands ".

Traktorina Ivanovna
30.06.2004, 10:33
Whether well who is not enough to that has liked? It is not necessary To despond ahead of time, all advice or councils are good, and here address on a site "Sexopathologist" to g-well Isaevu is better.
He/she is very knowing, tactful doctor, to me has helped or assisted!

01.07.2004, 15:54
Correct husbands are?! aa, well.. In the Mexican serials.. Still very "clever" advice or council to result or bring it or her in the house, moreover and most to amuse (well that giggled).. Remains only a candle at a bed to take - delirium any. No, well certainly, sex three together recovers or resuscitates attitudes or relations, but in fact it when the third only as object and if he has fallen in love with it or her, and is similar that so (especially still he is rejected) I am afraid at the wife of chances at all does not remain. Know, many like that is inaccessible to them more strongly. And you the, near by, enamoured, experiencing, anywhere will not get to... Try to change this steriotip - get or start the novel (not necessarily to sleep with another - let it will be even at a level of flirtation - cinema, suppers, flowers, museums) - the main thing that your friend has felt, that can lose you and that for your attention and your love it is necessary to struggle, that your presence with it or him is not so by itself razumejushchejusja.. Only "do not throw" other muzhik to him to face.. He should guess your "change", but should not know and be assured or confident.. Let in a life to appear the intrigue.. Here is how you now experience - the truth or not the truth.. And to whisper him on ushko ask someone from friends - but only the person to whom trust.. And further - on a course - romance.. Can to your friend it is simply boring, the spring - wants new experiences, acute sensations - so deliver them to him.. Let he receives the portion of an adrenaline from you then to another he will lose interest.

YOzhik-to Lena
02.07.2004, 08:29
Lena, this question more than once here it was discussed. It is not necessary all muzhiks under one comb. There are CORRECT HUSBANDS!!!!

03.07.2004, 03:18
Irochka! Simply grow fond of itself!!! Descend or Go to the cosmetician, buy or purchase charming underwear, make itself desired!!! And the main thing of any heart-felt conversations, they only tire and in bolshenstve cases have a boomerang effect. Surprise with its or his tasty or delicious meal and unusual but pleasant things. Well really the man will refuse SUCH REMARKABLE WIFE??? Also listen advice or council Catty. Success to you!