Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Have got in a complex or difficult situation for us: at my wife the father and m has died...

21.06.2004, 10:53
Have got in a complex or difficult situation for us: at my wife the father has died and we do not know how to tell or say about it or this to our five years' son - he at us too impressionable. I can not tell or say, that he has been strongly adhered to the grandfather (we live in different cities), but time we came to a month to them with the grandmother on a visit.
As it is better to explain it - prompt, please!

22.06.2004, 09:57
With me in the childhood there was a same situation, in the same vozraste-a difference that we lived with the grandfather, he was in family such "godfather" and we with it or him were very much related topics more I was unique. Mine while houses were a coffin with funeral and commemoration, have given or remote me for a week to friends, and have then told or said, that the grandfather has left for Moscow (he was a muscovite). And when we went on kladbishche-spoke, that we go simply on native mogilku. I have learned or have found out all only when have learned chitat-accordingly, prochla its or his name on a plate. Has passed or has taken place two years, I have got used to live without it or him and have transferred or carried all rather smoothly. And so even on it was set voprosom-where he. To children not up to that. So chto-simply do not speak the rebenku-and all. He not sprosit-for it or him it not so is important.

22.06.2004, 22:07
It is not necessary to injure not generated mentality rebenka-at it or him still weak protection. Let the grandfather where nibud far will leave initially it or him it will calm while will pass or take place time and it will be possible for him dozirovanno to tell all but only then years after semi-eight.

24.06.2004, 12:14
And it seems to me, it is not necessary to say lies to the child. In fact the child sooner or later learns or finds out the truth, and the trust to parents will be lost. And tell or say, that the grandfather has died. Explain to the child in children's tongue, that such mors if he still does not know it or this.

26.06.2004, 03:26
It is possible to not tell specially if itself will not ask, but to say lies it is not necessary, Olja the rights

The anonym
26.06.2004, 05:26
And you sami-know that, what for on tombs put crosses?

The anonym
27.06.2004, 10:22
> And you sami-know that, what for on tombs put
> Crosses?
No, I do not carry myself to believers though to traditions I am respectful. If know - explain. And as it is connected with a question, please.

28.06.2004, 03:17
My daughter there were 6 years when at it or her the grandmother who came to see it or her every Sunday has died. We too did not know as to tell or say. Very much were afraid, experienced. Eventually I have made so. Has planted or put it or her on knees. Has pressed to itself and whisper (that the voice was not broke) on an ear has told or said: " Olenek, at us misfortune. The grandmother " She at once quietly has died so has begun to cry and asks " why? " I speak her: " old, was ill, heart has not sustained... " She plchet. I speak: " do not cry, the sun so it is arranged, that all we once die. We in fact never shall forget it or her, so she will be always with us " After that she has very quickly calmed down and did not cry any more. And in general, on a view of the adult, children very quickly recover from burning, for them it is important, that there are series people liking them. On a cemetery we have not led it or her to not injure...

The anonym
29.06.2004, 02:53
From here and your problems, times are not present BELIEF In SUNDAY. Mors - not the extremity or end, here, what's the matter!

Andrey - to the author of the answer on September,
29.06.2004, 05:41
It seems to me, you identify Christian belief and belief in Sunday. I do not consider or count, what is it the same. For myself I suppose, what the life does not come to an end after mors of a body, however if I do not know, what will be "after that" as I can explain similar to the five years' child? Also it is not necessary to reduce all problems to "disbelief". A situation, an output or exit from which I try to find, cleanly psychological (at the given stage) - unfortunately, practically everyone collides or faces with her in this or that form. Therefore and I wait for advice or councils cleanly practical, vital. Will agree, that from your retort to sense now "zero". Excuse, if nenarokom has offended.