Просмотр полной версии : My husband every day drinks the whole tube of Valeriana, I motivate with that that he och...

15.06.2004, 16:24
My husband every day drinks the whole tube of Valeriana, I motivate with that that he och nervous and silly to forbid to him to drink Valeriana, that at me with a head not by way of (dr he does not wish to drink preparations, t to it the chemistry, and the simple made grass does not help or assist him). On a life he is inclined to an alcoholism, likes to drink, at stressful situations there are drinking-bouts. What to me to do or make and is he a toper? (to nervopotologu to go refuses, as well as to any dr to the expert) (from Valeriana becomes strannovatym, with muddy eyes and little bit inadequate behaviour)

Agaev M.M.
17.06.2004, 23:45
Probably, this display t. n. "addiktivnogo" behaviour, that is behaviour alko-or the narcomaniac, the reception for whatever reasons deprived to an opportunity habitual psihoaktivnogo substances, here he also "searches" than to replace. Valeriana - not the inferior variant. Do not insist on change of grasses with tablets - from Valeriana "to come off" than tranquilizers much easier. Is better gradually convince the husband to address to psihiatru-to the expert in narcology.