Просмотр полной версии : Whether the doctor tell or say please there can be from Paksila a constant sleepiness pr...

02.06.2004, 01:24
Whether the doctor tell or say please there can be from Paksila a constant sleepiness of a problem with concentration and memory and I most important to the evening feel myself as if drunk

Agaev M.M.
05.06.2004, 09:47
Can. Especially in the first a little dnej-weeks of reception. If the phenomena will not disappear, probably, it will be necessary to replace an antidepressant.

05.06.2004, 16:56
I accept it or him 2, 5 months. The sleepiness became less than in the beginning but with concentration of memory is worse But depression has passed or has taken place I feel better How much to me still to drink paksil? (the expert) has registered me it or him terapevt-she not

Agaev M.M.
05.06.2004, 23:02
The therapist has registered an antidepressant?! In as! Address to the psychiatrist internally is better - you not begin to ask the sanitary technician sshit to you an evening dress? (not in insult to therapists, I very much respect with them, simply first comparison has occurred). To everyone the - the therapist carries out socially significant functions, the psychiatrist - the .

09.06.2004, 00:37
I live in the USA Here besplato under the insurance I can go only to the therapist Other doctors dearly or expensively cost or stand

Agaev M.M. (unvirtual)
09.06.2004, 22:23
Unfortunately, I am afraid, far off to replace you therapy I have no right...

11.06.2004, 14:56
Today I descended or went to the doctor She have told or said that now I should accept week Paksil in day, then nedelju-through 2 and then through 3 and stop That you can to tell or say on it, Thanks

Agaev M.M.
12.06.2004, 05:23
So it is impossible to stop reception of medicines!!! If you accept paksil 20 mg sut start to drink polovinku tablets (10 sut) within a week and then stop in general. But IN DAY to drink preparations are a nonsense.