Просмотр полной версии : I am am frightened by that eventually in me The husband falls in love. We married...

04.06.2004, 13:55
I am am frightened by that eventually in me
The husband falls in love. We married "suddenly", on
Pregnancy, I have been enamoured as a cat, but family at
Us good. The husband is more senior than me for 13 years, with it or him very much
Interestingly, to us even it is removed or is taken off;dream similar dreams, we greater or big
Friends, but here its or his this accrueing or increasing love with
kak-that guards me shining eyes. Moja-that
zapalnaja love passes or takes place, is replaced any
Equal and quiet feeling to it or him;them. Can, occurs or happens
Change of stereotypes of type " likes one, and another allows
Itself to like "? In fact even the husband has admitted love to me
Only on the third year of home life after a birth
The second son. Any carings, podarochki have begun,
And it is not necessary for me... .ja the beginnings of differently messages in
Beds: I at all do not wish to receive with it or him an orgasm,
I like "to finish" it or him, and most "to be caught up"
Then. And the internal attitude or relation to sex - as though
I deliver pleasure to him from not which revenge, and to him not
I allow itself to make the same... Like and problems
Any is not present, and like something not so...

05.06.2004, 05:11
Probably the husband has felt cooling attitudes or relations of you and the attention tries to draw again. Many women search for salvages from routine home life in novels on the party or side, and to you has carried. So use.

05.06.2004, 20:27
It, dear or expensive, not a problem. This or it can brag. You is better praktichecheskie would distribute advice or councils to all of us.))

07.06.2004, 12:51
One more example of bitchiness in continuation of conversation, only not from here, from another konfy. tststs, do not take offence, bitchiness for today not objazjatelno a negative character trait, and in your case even on the contrary, - to mine. In my opinion, at you the line of sex behaviour was simply defined or determined. How much or as far as I have understood, when you prepare, you do not do or make it with chustvom revenge so rasslabsja and take pleasure. If likes, means is for what.,)

08.06.2004, 00:19
It is the tendency. Many complain.

09.06.2004, 12:24
I think, that a situation koshmarna actually. I very well understand it. You are simple it or him do not like how is capable. To you it is boring, and can be even worse further. Try it or him "to lose", can be you will understand as he it is necessary, and can be....