Просмотр полной версии : Ege-the gay, women posobite advice or council that it is possible to present the wife for an anniversary 40 le...

Gannibal the Lecturer
13.05.2004, 22:18
Ege-the gay, women posobite advice or council that it is possible to present the wife for an anniversary of 40 years, considering that at it or her very exacting taste, that is kitajsko-turetsko-the Polish consumer goods not for it or her but if pochuet that is too much money for a gift cunningly - too in soul or douche will be not happy or enough.

The anonym
14.05.2004, 00:57
Jewelry - any woman will not resist (take a photo of the wife in shop, there to you will help or assist to pick up, if on itself not so nadejates). Or a basket with 40 roses. Me so would please bansaj (mini-a tree in a pot) - to itself not the purchase, but in a gift to receive pleasantly.

17.05.2004, 20:55
Steal it or her. In gostinnitsu, a supper at suppositories, vederko with a champagne, a basket of roses and your love...

19.05.2004, 01:53
And why to you not sprasit its or her itself, anyway you will know on more exact?

20.05.2004, 11:50
And you count on what sum? And more tastes different. I would be happy, if to me would present round on the sea. My girlfriend dreams of a mink fur coat. And another wants a ring with briljantom. And here the third in delight from the washing machine presented to her. But also round, and a fur coat, and koltso-this all "abrupt" money.
And if such is not present, vo-the first flowers (it is always obligatory, even together with a mink), vo-the second it is possible to present good spirits, preliminary having understood what she likes, and more we women, very much like beautiful knickknacks (it from the category of those things, kotoryk to yourself you will not buy or purchase.
And is easier vsego-to ask it or her, let even will hint.

22.05.2004, 20:43
It will be happy or enough, and more as!;))) It agree with the anonym. Magnificent sergi or the chain with podveskoj-and with a size to be excruciated it is not necessary (unlike a ring), and memory for all life.

Gannibal the Lecturer
22.05.2004, 23:32
Thanks everything, on the bill of idea with hotel, I shall try or taste.

Gannibal the Lecturer
25.05.2004, 20:08
No, sergi and the chain is to me trudnovato will guess its or her taste.

The anonym
28.05.2004, 01:15
At me too soon birthday, with pleasure I wait gifts, I adore them, as any woman. But I in advance have told or said, that I wish to receive. With the husband we shall go to restaurant (together), and then he is going to to present me a ringlet with brilliantikami (it is possible to keep within absolutely the small sum,), and the friend wished to present nastojashie the French spirits. But I, to tell the truth, liked also idea with hotel. It is romantic! Also do not forget about flowers!!!

The anonym
29.05.2004, 11:09
40 roses do not give, mister Gannibal the Lecturer if you the Christian it is better to present 39 or 41 rozu-it is told or said to a wish of the first anonym. Rozy-remarkable flowers, but it is too banal for so refined lady. Now from colors or flowers create the present or true products isskustva, bouquets it is desirable small, utonchenno made by the artist of flower shop. Cheap brilliants too I do not advise to give, in the same way as well as a cheap fur coat. gostinitsa-it is healthy, but it is necessary to know the attitude or relation of your wife to similar udivlenijam. If time allows, reserve to the good artist a magnificent portrait of yours spouses, from such original gift any will be happy, even the choosiest woman. Only do not sign another's though also good verses. And still the best sovet-think, only you know tastes and preferences of your woman, the main thing to present soul ugodnyj, well thought over gift, is unconditional with your love in addition.

The anonym
31.05.2004, 06:56
Last author is not so informed, that by rules of drawing up of a bouquet if in a bouquet it is more than colors or flowers 30 parity has no value or meaning;importance. Ignorance of this rule often brings the intellectuals wishing poostrit, for example, Zadornov which considers or counts, that " milliln scarlet roses - the same even number! ". And no flowers can be banal. In banal m.. Only that is made by the person.

The anonym
02.06.2004, 03:22
Preposledny the author did not make jokes at all, and to you, last authoritatively declaring, it would be necessary to know such small cunning as that it is possible to give odnin, two, three, four and so on how much will get tsvetov-if to speak about parity. 39 or 41 it was offered as alternative of forty, no more than..., therefore as 40 do not give absolutely precisely, whether bad know a sign.

06.06.2004, 02:06
I can present myself what now cry about my mistakes or errors in Russian letter will begin. Gannibal the Lecturer, do not give the rose ekstrovagantnoj to the wife.

08.06.2004, 20:25
Sprasite the wife, what she wishes to receive as a gift?