Просмотр полной версии : At me very positive husband. Does not drink, does not smoke, money earns, men...

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07.05.2004, 22:01
At me very positive husband. Does not drink, does not smoke, money earns, me likes. I like it or him too like, anyway 3 years ago married on love. But we constantly swore and swear. Now after sorts or labors began to understand, that he does not arrange me, as the man. Once again will not caress, all sits with a computer in obnimku. Besides, not looking that I sit with the child (helps or assists the nurse), I too earn good money. I give lessons of English tongue. Already many has shiped outward. And me in this situation does not arrange, that all house business or affairs on me. It would be desirable, that the husband even sometimes made a breakfast and without problems washed utensils.
More shortly, the short is those: to me it is comfortable with it or him in the material plan and cleanly household (at the husband), both absolutely not comfortably psychologically and sexly.
I wish to divorce from it or him, but I am afraid. At us the child and the person he good.
But the female happiness is not present. What to do or make?

08.05.2004, 14:50
Liza, it is amusing, but I was approximately in the same situation, only not 3 years, and 11. Has divorced and is happy or enough while the life, even lessons of English has ceased to give. 8)

09.05.2004, 01:07
VA, and how you live, on what? And whether it was terrible to get divorced? Parents adore my husband. Mum dissuades from divorce (with her has shared ideas). But toshno. We live, as the brother with the sister. Though we help or assist each other with job and so forth and so forth But I to love and mutual understanding I want. An exchange of ideas, emotions. Yes, still to me 26, and he on one and a half year is more younger.
I appreciate it or him, as with the person and I respect, but me does not suffice in itself internal space.
I feel, that if I shall divorce, I shall grieve on our adjusted life, and it or him;them. But I am afraid, if I shall not divorce, will be even worse.

The old friend
10.05.2004, 08:20
The lover! (ah that I such speak that?) But only this decision:)

11.05.2004, 23:14
My God, not I wrote it? Like is not present, today did not drink. All coincides, and is more younger and is enamoured in a computer and I work also any generality, in affairs, psychologically. Deafly or indistinctly as in the tank. And to divorce it is impossible. And the lover - it is opposite. And is not present, there is a difference - mine also drinks. Well, konfa, che to us delat-that with Lizoj?

13.05.2004, 09:18
My God, not I wrote it? Like is not present, today did not drink. All coincides, and is more younger and is enamoured in a computer and I work also any generality, in affairs, psychologically. Deafly or indistinctly as in the tank. And to divorce it is impossible. And the lover - it is opposite. And is not present, there is a difference - mine also drinks. Well, konfa, che to us delat-that with Lizoj?

14.05.2004, 03:03
My God, not I wrote it? Like is not present, today did not drink. All coincides, and is more younger and is enamoured in a computer and I work also any generality, in affairs, psychologically. Deafly or indistinctly as in the tank. And to divorce it is impossible. And the lover - it is opposite. And is not present, there is a difference - mine also drinks. Well, konfa, che to us delat-that with Lizoj?

The old friend
15.05.2004, 18:09
Hm... And vserovno liked another. You throw oppositely, Madamy!!!

2 old friend
16.05.2004, 12:03
The lover, you speak? And you it would be pleasant if you mamzel has got or started the lover? Or you consider or count, all the same. The main thing that liked?

The anonym
17.05.2004, 04:58
Liza, you married on love, the child, he the good person... Still 33 times can will be adjusted. Do not hurry, especially with divorce.

18.05.2004, 10:51
Dak mamzel all the same does not give... asju, that there still, odigu.

19.05.2004, 08:53
And at me the same all! A pancake!!!!! As us mnogo-that! Whether Well give though advice or council chto-....

Well here
20.05.2004, 11:06
Situevina known. Sample botan. Still about such speak " intellegent in maminoj to a jacket "... Does not drink (seldom beer, from vodka longly and ugly bljuet, dropping in a toilet bowl))) does not smoke glasses or spots (so vision to hell, and the monitor will grow dull!), tr. .etsja when will recollect how it is done or made. Can discuss iron indefinitely. It is usually puny, slouching, fingernails or nails small, obgryzennye. Earns usually 400 600, laughs much or is much dared. Changes clothes, when the wife pure or clean will palm off. Well, etc. throw such. Eto-furniture in the house, instead of husbands. Now all of you against communications or connections on the party or side, are kept by much. .no all the same to it or this will come. Do not want to grow old and blur, than itself is pitier. But only then, when become napravo-nalevo-the botanikov will start to despise. For all. Bad. And they vse-taki fathers of your children. So send better them to pape-to mum now, for the present have not strongly begun to hate.

21.05.2004, 22:48
Yes as to you skazat-not botanik he such is direct, under the description does not approach or suit, children of the general or common is not had, fingernails or nails not gryzet-obrezaet:), but " the female happiness " is not present, not that that ploho-would be not present, very much even comfortably, cosy, likes, reliable, quiet, but... Yes we and single, by the way. But it is terrible to lose the close person, such native and all friend on any passion not clear which will disappear in no time. But to live it would be desirable jarko-me only 22 and it would be desirable to find the man which would learn, instead of to learn or teach most. A dilemma... Chaotically kak-that....

Well here
22.05.2004, 18:44
Well essno, I have described a type in general... Variants are possible or probable. .hotja all then zatirajutsja also come to obshchebotanicheskomu to a denominator..))) but to you proshche-you can try to talk with it or him to change kak-that it... Certainly! To comfortably him! The wife, is not present children, anybody is obliged by nothing... cht to not live! If will smile on you cloudless vzorom-that drive it or him if something will try for you sdelat-that leave while.

24.05.2004, 06:10
Well here, well you so about people speak, read it becomes opposite, interesting that you have felt if have heard, that about you in similar tone speak.

25.05.2004, 07:21
Well here, well you so about people speak, read it becomes opposite, interesting that you have felt if have heard, that about you in similar tone speak.

Well here
25.05.2004, 19:05
And in general, what for the manner on (my) persons to pass? I not about Vasju Sineglazova have written, it is a group portrait tekskt...

Lima Vajkule
27.05.2004, 11:32
Girls dear or expensive! And you tell about yourselves! What you? Can to you and like to live: shito-it is covered and to dream about any mystical " female happiness "? Yes that the man which to you the world will open and with a parachute will learn you to jump one hundred more same will find, that admired with it or him! And children on the world will scatter... Abuse me, but it is exact: women of a silly woman not because silly women, that is why, that women! It was necessary to think till a marriage in what schastyo, instead of now sopli to smear.

The reader
29.05.2004, 02:40
You, were very precisely expressed on the bill of female happiness. Do not hurry up with divorce. Think, and that will be after that. The child without the father, household cares as will remain on you, and the person, such well familiar, decent or considerable and already native will not be. And who will be? Whether there will be time for searches lutshego? And what if in 3 years the situation will repeat? And whether he will concern to the child as to native? And whether the child neznakomgo the uncle will want? What for to fracture what is already constructed? It is necessary simply to start to change the developed situation. Speak with it or him, only without hysterics, about that as you live and as though you would like to live, about that that does not suffice you. Only do not accuse it or him of what. He that is not guilty, that does not see an event your eyes. You both normal people not idiots what nibud also understand normal human words. And that arranged as the man try most to be little bit more active and begin caress of the first

29.05.2004, 19:22
Liza, men very much vary with the years. Now he can be narrow-shouldered botanom, and in years 5 10 so zamatereet, that you near to it or him will feel the grey mouse or mousy.

Well here
31.05.2004, 02:49
Also there will be at it or him a dyspnea or short wind from a hypodynamia, a triad chin from chips and a hemorrhoids from sitting behind a computer...

To -Lima
01.06.2004, 02:54
Lima, thanks. About myself I can tell or say, that it is young and not ochen-that would be desirable still a life " shito-it is covered ", certainly easy and reliably, silent home life, children lessons delajut-it is reliable. But... At me he the first and unique, today, by the way!, at us 3 years, 2 we live vmeste-a life it is arranged, the mother-in-law remarkable, all is adjusted. I understand, that if I shall search any bright muzhchinu-not for the fact, what is it becomes destiny, and here it or him I shall lose. But in marriage yet I do not want, children that bolee-how to calm down and believe, what here it I and better cannot be? I know, that he the ideal family man and elbows I shall bite in case of what... .no......

Lima Vajkule
01.06.2004, 20:03
At me one prescription on all cases: if mine the son or the daughter send or have come to me, say, with such problem that I would advise... There Is no for the woman of greater happiness, than a maternity. And if the God gives the world to your family appreciate it. Let well alone.

01.06.2004, 23:08
2 Lima: Everyday mudrost-not a way fortunately, and slow movement to boredom and rutine-knock down the feelings, plodi similar from unloved, and then be surprised, why your children as are unhappy